Thrash's conversion to the 90s...

The Gathering, to me, is the best thrash record ever. Period. Three Days of Darkness, Fall of Sipledome, DNR,'s just an incredible album. How people can sit here and say that Testament "doesn't belong in the same tier" is fucking ridiculous. They've NEVER put out a bad album. They got heavier in the mid to late 90's and the only thing that derailed them was Chuck's cancer. I'll admit that Practice was their stab at the Justice sound, but lots of bands did it (Sacred Reich's "American Way" anyone?) but it's still a really good album. I think people grade The Ritual based on "Electric Crown" and never got into the rest of the album. It's one of their darkest albums.

Testament shows how you can change our sound from album to album without going to rock sounding shit like Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth and others resorted to.

The Gathering sounds different that The New Order but is equally as good and every bit as brutal. Practice What You Preach sounds different than Low but both are still heavy and bad ass. To me Testament are the best Pure Thrash Metal band of all time. Most consistent, never sold out.
I've always enjoyed Testament's output. After The Ritual, the succeeding albums (Low, Demonic, The Gathering, & TFOD) actually seemed like the band was going the opposite direction of other thrash bands at the time, and getting even heavier. The Gathering is an awesome album; DNR is the purest definition of thrash to me.
To me Testament are the best Pure Thrash Metal band of all time. Most consistent, never sold out.

Slayer hold that mantle for me.

They never had ballads or ventured into different musical territories, like Testament did with The Gathering..... and they never sold out as you put it either.
Well I've just heard some people say that they sucked after Arise. Chaos AD is obviously slower and more groove-oriented, but it's still heavy as fuck and well written, musically and lyrically.... but I will admit that it does have some foreshadowing of what was to become nu-metal.
Slayer hold that mantle for me.

They never had ballads or ventured into different musical territories, like Testament did with The Gathering..... and they never sold out as you put it either.

No, they just went all nu-metal. Diabolus in Musica is a terrible fuckin cd. Waste of my good money. God Hates Us All is average, 2 or 3 songs i really dig the rest, not so much
Slayer hold that mantle for me.

They never had ballads or ventured into different musical territories, like Testament did with The Gathering..... and they never sold out as you put it either.

Slayer is certainly one of my favorite bands of all time. I think of them as more than just a thrash band. They are more evil sounding. More like a speed metal/death metal/thrash metal hybrid. Almost like I think of old school Sepultura.

When Sepultura released Chaos AD I was really pissed off.

A true story, I bought the Chaos AD tape and there was a fax number on there. I faxed a letter with big letters saying "CONGRATULATIONS ON SELLING OUT GUYS!!"

And that was it. It took me a long time to come around to that album.

Chaos AD is not nu metal but certainly a departure from the Schizo/Beneath/Arise days. I lived and died with the Arise CD for several years. I would listen to that album over and over and over again. I figured the next Sepultura album would be even heavier and faster.. but Chaos AD was anything but that. And it was their first major label release so it all added up to a sell out.

I saw DOWN last weekend and in between sets they played the ARISE album it was fucking brutal sounding over the PA speakers. I miss those days.
Has Sepultura really done anything worth a shit with Derrick Green? I can't say I've heard any of it...

There are some decent songs here and there. But overall its not even remotely as good as anything pre Roots. There are some decent tunes on Nation. But I really can't get into Derricks vocals... just not my cup of tea. And when he does max's songs live I literally want to vomit.

Like this:

But I do enjoy some of the Nation album

Like this:

But still it's just not "Sepultura" to me at this point
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I think the best Derrick-Sepultura album is A-Lex and I also like Roorback. Kairos is good, Against is pure shit to me and I to be honest haven't heard Nation and Dante.
Besides the title track there is not much I can handle listening to on Roots.
"can you take it? can you take it? can you take it? can you take it? i won't take it! i won't take it! i won't take it! i won't take it! aaaahhhhhhh":lol:
indeed, Roots is the pretty shitty record that started the nu-metal movement with strange sounding drums and too much Hip Hop-influence. it's unbelievable that it's the same band that wrote 'Beneath The Remains' & 'Arise'.
Metallica don't even sound like Metallica anymore.

Testament has never sounded much like Metallica. This just proves you really have not listened to Testament much. They have many records and all of them are brutal thrash except for The Ritual.

If you look up Thrash in the dictionary it will have a big TestAmenT logo next to it. They are one of the best of all time when it comes to Thrash.

Anthrax changed from Thrash to something else
Megadeth changed
Metallica changed

Testament always stayed true to thrash... even their latest album was fucking pure blow heavy thrash and was awesome. The Formation of Damnation rules. I can't wait for the next one in a few months!

Just wait until the Testament and Anthrax tour. You will see how bad ass Testament is live. I look forward to that more than Anthrax to be honest. I can only handle hearing Indians, Only, Got The Time, Caught in A Mosh, Anti Social, Madhouse, I am the law so many times.

I was wondering how long it would be before Metallica came up :rolleyes:

If you are restricted to liking thrash only then it's easy for you to hate Metallica after Justice. I always thought Anthrax and Metallica had more variety than that, from the start. It's takes talent to write great thrash albums, it takes even more talent to go from Battery, to Sad but True, to Nothing Else Matters and back to My Apocalypse and pull it off brilliantly. St. Anger is way misunderstood. Does it lack in production quality compared to Justice? Yes but if it's deliberate, then it's succsessful. It's not like the went, oops, we messed that up. Kerry King himself even said St. Anger the song was Brutal. There is a lot of speed/thrash elements on that album.