Thrash's conversion to the 90s...

i like St. Anger, it's not like their old stuff but a raw, fast & heavy punk-record and i like punk.

St. Anger is the total opposite of Load/Reload, the loads were more mainstream-oriented, slower, not so heavy and overproduced.
I was wondering how long it would be before Metallica came up :rolleyes:

If you are restricted to liking thrash only then it's easy for you to hate Metallica after Justice. I always thought Anthrax and Metallica had more variety than that, from the start. It's takes talent to write great thrash albums, it takes even more talent to go from Battery, to Sad but True, to Nothing Else Matters and back to My Apocalypse and pull it off brilliantly. St. Anger is way misunderstood. Does it lack in production quality compared to Justice? Yes but if it's deliberate, then it's succsessful. It's not like the went, oops, we messed that up. Kerry King himself even said St. Anger the song was Brutal. There is a lot of speed/thrash elements on that album.

This thread is about Thrash crossover in the 90's. I liked metallica and anthrax because they were a thrash band. Thats what drew me to them and is why I liked them. i didn't like them when they changed to more mainstream rock.

It doesn't take talent to make sad but true. I can play that song on guitar as well as most of the black album songs and I am not that good. It takes talent to play almost all of the songs on And Justice for All thats for sure.

Those who give a hall pass to those bands that sold out to try and reach new mainstream markets don't help matters. I am glad you see bands like metallica as 'growing' or 'evolving' but to me they are doing the opposite.

Now that thrash is making a semi come back all of a sudden Metallica is a thrash band again.

I will give my respects to bands like Slayer, Testament, Exodus, Kreator, etc who have always been Thrash even at a time when that style of music wasn't 'popular' anymore.
Hirax (not mentioned yet) haven't changed a little bit over the years, still playing nothing but the truest 80's Thrash Metal:
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Have to love Katon De Pena - El Diablo - met him at Sweden Rock Festival couple years ago...he is a true metal head with great metal heart...:) ...he and his band members spent whole festival at backstage bar wearing Hirax vests and making promotion...great dedication.

Have to love Katon De Pena - El Diablo - met him at Sweden Rock Festival couple years ago...he is a true metal head with great metal heart...:) ...he and his band members spent whole festival at backstage bar wearing Hirax vests and making promotion...great dedication.


Definitely!!! You've really gotta respect that guy for keeping things going for as long as he has. He seems like a genuinely cool guy as well.
Now that thrash is making a semi come back all of a sudden Metallica is a thrash band again.

I will give my respects to bands like Slayer, Testament, Exodus, Kreator, etc who have always been Thrash even at a time when that style of music wasn't 'popular' anymore.

I agree with most your post above, yet wanted to highlight the above. Thrash will never be mainstream, but I am not sure what's mainstream anymore (I don't listen to modern "metal" records that are not heavily thrash or classic metal influenced, for the most part.) I don't think it will really "come back" as a popular music choice, but I am happy many new and old bands are still carrying the banner of true, fun thrash metal.

Many of those bands you mentioned did change their sound, but are more thrash than anything nowadays. You didn't mention Sodom, which really haven't changed that much (many criticize them for their punk-ish nineties, but they ALWAYS had a punk sound to them, because that's what Tom likes since he was a kid-it also makes them fun at times, as with Stalinorgel, Ausgebombt, etc.) Sodom, Kreator, Destruction, Tankard, etc. keep playing thrash to this day, and are quite unashamed of it. Same goes for many of the American bands you mentioned. Anthrax CAN play Thrash when they want, but they don't want to too much, for some reasons (perhaps they don't like thrash that much anymore themselves.) Earth on Hell is one of the most "brutal" thrash songs that Anthrax has ever done (you could put Schmier on that song's vocals, and it could "pass" for a modern day Destruction thrash song.) But they just don't go ahead and do a thrash album, which I know they have it on them to do, if they had the desire to do so (I know being popular plays a role, unfortunately, as they have to please more fans now, but as I mentioned, I just believe they don't want to go full-on thrash by their own choice.) But I also respect those bands that have risked being more or less faithful to their roots the whole time, instead of just riding a temporary rise in popularity, nostalgia, whatever you may want to call it.

It is important to mention the younger thrash bands, that inspired by the older bands' music, has put some incredible thrashers that put some of the original bands almost to shame. No kidding you, just hear a few of them with an open mind, and you'll see that many has surpassed or at least, equaled that fun and intensity of original thrash. Were it not for some of this newer, more exciting younger bands, perhaps this current trend of thrash "semi-popularity" wouldn't exist in the first place. These younger bands, along with some of the "faithful" of the older bands have kept the genre more or less "afloat"-but always remember that thrash is not a trend, but a music that lives in the heart of its fans-thrash never died for those who always cared for it. These younger bands care for it, and I applaud them for just playing whatever they want (in their case, Thrash metal), and not what is supposed to be more "popular".

BTW, I do like Anthrax new record, but not as a full-on Thrash album, which it isn't. It's also not fair to compare them to Kreator, etc. because they have never been that type of band. But yes, like Kreator and others, many bands were kind of lost, as in "what do we do now?" kind of phase during the nineties. It's great that Anthrax produced a good album with a few great songs in it, especially that amazing Earth on Hell-Joey really saves the album, IMHO!

All respect to all of you, I hope my opinions don't offend anybody. Feel free to disagree in peace.
This thread is about Thrash crossover in the 90's. I liked metallica and anthrax because they were a thrash band. Thats what drew me to them and is why I liked them. i didn't like them when they changed to more mainstream rock.

It doesn't take talent to make sad but true. I can play that song on guitar as well as most of the black album songs and I am not that good. It takes talent to play almost all of the songs on And Justice for All thats for sure.

Those who give a hall pass to those bands that sold out to try and reach new mainstream markets don't help matters. I am glad you see bands like metallica as 'growing' or 'evolving' but to me they are doing the opposite.

Now that thrash is making a semi come back all of a sudden Metallica is a thrash band again.

I will give my respects to bands like Slayer, Testament, Exodus, Kreator, etc who have always been Thrash even at a time when that style of music wasn't 'popular' anymore.

OK. Thrash thread. Fair enough. I never mentioned Metallica 1st so I'm responding to that, and this thead is about Thrash into the "90s" comparing bands that stuck with it to bands that didn't, so fair game I say. but I will say sure, the Black Album songs are easy to play, but it takes talent in songwriting to make them good. Just because its not thrash, doesn't mean its not good. Let me see you play Through the Never all downpicked if its that easy. I know I can. Play The Unforgiven competently, oh that's right, it's not Thrash, your fingers will burn and you're amp will catch fire and you will go to heaven for that sin. LOL.
OK. Thrash thread. Fair enough. I never mentioned Metallica 1st so I'm responding to that, and this thead is about Thrash into the "90s" comparing bands that stuck with it to bands that didn't, so fair game I say. but I will say sure, the Black Album songs are easy to play, but it takes talent in songwriting to make them good. Just because its not thrash, doesn't mean its not good. Let me see you play Through the Never all downpicked if its that easy. I know I can. Play The Unforgiven competently, oh that's right, it's not Thrash, your fingers will burn and you're amp will catch fire and you will go to heaven for that sin. LOL.

I would contend that music doesn't have to be technically difficult in order to be good. However, I do like Thrash metal, difficult or not. Technical thrash can be good, but it can be too overdone at times. It all depends on the songs. What could be more simple than Kreator's Tormentor, and it's still such an amazing thrasher.

Play and enjoy whatever you want, regardless. I don't like some of the things you like, but that's fair, because we are all different. I just don't dig the black album even, much less what came after it. Metallica, IMHO, could have done lots better, but you obviously beg to differ-which is fine. :)
I would contend that music doesn't have to be technically difficult in order to be good. However, I do like Thrash metal, difficult or not. Technical thrash can be good, but it can be too overdone at times. It all depends on the songs. What could be more simple than Kreator's Tormentor, and it's still such an amazing thrasher.

Play and enjoy whatever you want, regardless. I don't like some of the things you like, but that's fair, because we are all different. I just don't dig the black album even, much less what came after it. Metallica, IMHO, could have done lots better, but you obviously beg to differ-which is fine. :)

Awesome! I thinks it's great that people can have different tastes and openly discuss it without anyone feeling offended. I know exactly what you mean, play Thrash for the sake of it, trying to outhrash the next band. That's one of the reasons Metallica changed. They were sick of it from a songwriting point of view. Having said that, there was a very healthy competition between the Big4 back in the day. :wave:
Testament shows how you can change our sound from album to album without going to rock sounding shit like Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth and others resorted to.

The Gathering sounds different that The New Order but is equally as good and every bit as brutal. Practice What You Preach sounds different than Low but both are still heavy and bad ass. To me Testament are the best Pure Thrash Metal band of all time. Most consistent, never sold out.

Pretty much right about that. No one could ever sit here and say with any credibility that Testament ever sold out. Not only that they got heavier and more brutal the in 90s with every album.