Threat Signal

I just discovered this band and they fucking kill!!! Very heavy riffs, cool breakdowns, some tastefull solos and acoustic stuff here and there!!! Very good band...I recommend them to anyone who loves brutal and melodic stuff!!! What do you think about them??

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Yeah, I've been listening to Threat Signal for a very long time already. Prepare to get flamed for it here though :lol:
They are kinda boring and they sound too much like Fear Factory and even SYL and Meshuggah sometimes,vocals are terrible.I dont know, Im not into this type of metal so I really dont like this.
Yeah i went to one of their shows once,i got back stage to meet them, they were all drinking pepsi and eating chips...i was like...brutal.
lol? So fucking what? not every band in the world have to go by the "rock'n'roll code" and turn their mind into slush after every fucking gig as if you cannot make metal without being some sort of degenerate stereotyped cunt. I'm not defending this music in any form or shape, but implying that their diet has anything to do with it is just ridiculous.
I personally love them. Their riffs groove and the vocal melodies and solos are amazing. I have one of the worst tastes in music though.
I just discovered this band and they fucking kill!!! Very heavy riffs, cool breakdowns, some tastefull solos and acoustic stuff here and there!!! Very good band...I recommend them to anyone who loves brutal and melodic stuff!!! What do you think about them??

I bought an Arcturus sweater from Plastichead UK like 3 weeks ago and they sent me a fucking giant Threat Signal poster... fuck that noise.
Yeah i went to one of their shows once,i got back stage to meet them, they were all drinking pepsi and eating chips...i was like...brutal.

What the fuck...?

lol? So fucking what? not every band in the world have to go by the "rock'n'roll code" and turn their mind into slush after every fucking gig as if you cannot make metal without being some sort of degenerate stereotyped cunt. I'm not defending this music in any form or shape, but implying that their diet has anything to do with it is just ridiculous.


I personally love them. Their riffs groove and the vocal melodies and solos are amazing. I have one of the worst tastes in music though.
Yeah, They're pretty cool.


...and you are just doing it wrong.
I think their vocals are absolutely abysmal, even for metalcore vocals (which I don't like anyway). But the guitars aren't that bad. Something about them I just really don't like, though.
I think their vocals are absolutely abysmal, even for metalcore vocals (which I don't like anyway).


I'm also reminded of a time when I was working in a record store and some old ladies were looking at their album, and were like "oh we're not buying anything, we just wanted to show her our sons album!" I lol'd a bit.

Seeing as I worked in the ghetto mall, I assume I have them completely mixed up with the rich kids I was thinking of : /

Disregard my rantings.