Threshold - Dead Reckoning


Borne on Wings of Steel
Aug 3, 2003
Anyone else currently in love with this album? I was a bit reserved about this one at first as I somehow thought of Threshold as a technical show-off prog-metal band. Wrong. Many recommendations and a few sample songs later I bought this damn thing then and I'm glad I did! This is catchy stuff! Not one weak song here, a very strong album as a whole. Highly recommended, especially for people who don't consider themselves prog metal fans, this is a very accessible yet ambitious record.

The video for the song "Pilot in the Sky of Dreams" can be seen here, it's pretty heavily edited as the album version's almost 10 minutes long but it's nevertheless fantastic.
This is on my MUST GET list. Theshold has been one of my favorite bands for the past few years. They find that perfect blend of tecnhnical showmanship and meld it into great songwriting. It gets released here on the 24th so I still have a bit of wait for it:cry:
I heard it this evening, it inspired me to write a review of it. I was suprised how good it is. There are three long tracks that could have easily been trimmed down, but I like the nine track format and I like the use of death metal vocals ona couple of tracks. Excellent musicianship...
Love Threshold! The new record is great. Like any Threshold album for me, it takes a little while to grow on me, but then I really love it. I expect this one to do the same.

I'm looking forward to seeing them this Oct.

Steve in Philly
I always liked Threshold quite a bit. This new album is one of their best IMO, and is becoming one of my faves from them, along with Clone and Hypothetical. I was not too sure at first when I heard the death vox on a couple tracks, but finally, I think it fits well with the songs and doesn't bother me. Excellent vox by Mac, as always, excellent melodies, catchy choruses and strong riffing.

I'll buy it when it's released for sure.


I too have been enjoying this CD immensly! Yes a few Death Metal Vox here and there but don't let it scare you away... they are few and far between. It definately is not a distraction to the music.

I like this album, and I love Threshold, but I'm not as into it as I was Subsurface. It's still great, though.
This is a great album. Course, I've been forced to listen to it at work because my dad is addicted to it. I don't really have a favorite song, because they're all pretty good. I thought the growling was acceptable. But that's just me. I recommend this album to anyone that likes Progressive Metal.
Great CD!!! The choruses are so damn catchy and PITSOD is a masterpiece IMO. I am pissed that Mac left before the upcoming progpower gig.:mad: I wasn't big on these guys before, but I really love this album. It will be right up there for top spot at the end of the year.
Very enjoyable and catchy album, I am listening to it the last few days. I am not sure If I like it more than Subsurface (one of the best CDs of 2004 IMO) but it is high quality music. And I have no problem with the frowls. :p
Well, gotta get me a Therion album I guess, don't know anything of this band yet.... I just got the new CD of Mehida for review. A superb disk with Thomas Vikström of Therion on vocals (all clean and amazingly good vocals!!). Mehida is the new band of ex Sonata Arctica keyboardist Mikko Harkin.The album is Progressive, with a classic rock twist in it; very fresh and modern sounding metal !!
Check their Myspace (& don't get fooled by the hardcorish start of "Multitude" and "Dry Bones". And I got to say there are 3 or 4 MUCH better songs on the album than those on the Myspace !!

PS; I'm pimpin' this album now on SS ;-)