Threshold/ProgPower USA update

The All-Star Jam is already the saturday headliner. really.

All-Star Jam is an "Event within an Event" in reality. AF is still listed as the headliner. However, outside of bringing in an American act, he may have no other choice but to do what I outlined because of all the gobbledegook paperwork that has to be secured before bringing an act here. And, I doubt there is time to do that.
I think you underestimate the motivation and desire some bands have to try to play at ProgPower USA. Things can happen in 2 months. But yeah I know what you mean.
If Threshold bails, and I think it would be the height of unprofessional conduct if they do, it is not like Glenn has much of a choice to bring a quality #4 from Europe.

I don't really think that it would be unprofessional at all. It's not like they went into this knowing, "hey, guess what would be really funny guys, let's have our singer quit to screw over Glenn!" This is out of any of their hands and they're obviously trying their best to resolve the situation by bringing in Damian for the time being.
The All-Star Jam is already the saturday headliner. really.

Glenn will have lots of options. Bands like Andromeda could easily fill the spot (given availability) as well as many like Kiuas even... or well you know... Pyramaze and shit.

I like the way you think \m/

But really, I'm looking forward to Threshold. For the first few months after they were announced I was indifferent to them, but I've been spinning a few of their discs lately and I've been enjoying them greatly. I hope that they are able to play the festival, but if they are unable I'm sure that Glenn will have a replacement of equal quality.
I'm not much of a Threshold fan really, granted I've only heard 1 album. I am, however, a huge Damian fan. It would turn potential vendor time into sit/stand and watch time.
If Threshold bails, and I think it would be the height of unprofessional conduct if they do....

The guys in Threshold are some of the coolest people anyone could hope to meet, and if they did decide they needed to cancel, it would only be because they have decided there is no way to perform the show in a manner that the fans would be able to enjoy, from their own point of view as a band and knowing what they're capable of vs. what they will deliver. I'm sure there are more issues also other than, "Hey Damian can you learn this set?" - maybe he just isn't able to make it over here for whatever reason?

Would I personally be disappointed? Sure, I'm selfish and want to see them damn it! :) but I would also understand as the predicament they are in right now is not one of choice.
The guys in Threshold are some of the coolest people anyone could hope to meet, and if they did decide they needed to cancel, it would only be because they have decided there is no way to perform the show in a manner that the fans would be able to enjoy, from their own point of view as a band and knowing what they're capable of vs. what they will deliver. I'm sure there are more issues also other than, "Hey Damian can you learn this set?" - maybe he just isn't able to make it over here for whatever reason?

Would I personally be disappointed? Sure, I'm selfish and want to see them damn it! :) but I would also understand as the predicament they are in right now is not one of choice.

I would agree with you 100% if it was not for the fact that Threshold has had all the stability of shaken nitroglycerine. The reality is this: Glenn took a gamble on a good act that has rarely been stable. I can understand if Mac died, or some other calamity happened. Then, by all means bail. But, this is another Threshold lineup change. Are you going to stand there and tell me that Damien, or some other singer, would not want to make the effort to learn the material to play in the band's biggest career moment in the US?

Ray C.
I would agree with you 100% if it was not for the fact that Threshold has had all the stability of shaken nitroglycerine. The reality is this: Glenn took a gamble on a good act that has rarely been stable. I can understand if Mac died, or some other calamity happened. Then, by all means bail. But, this is another Threshold lineup change. Are you going to stand there and tell me that Damien, or some other singer, would not want to make the effort to learn the material to play in the band's biggest career moment in the US?

Ray C.

How were they as stable as shaken nitroglycerine? I know that's a simile and all (think it is at least...)...but seriously? They have had a pretty stable lineup, as stable as most metal bands.
One of the biggest critcisms that were launched against them was the constant lineup changes between CD's
Yeah, really....I haven't either. Aside from the occasional drunken performance and subsequent embarassment, they've never really had too much negative criticism levelled at them in PP circles.

I'd be startled if Threshold were completely unable to perform at PPUSA. It's an important gig for them, and I'm sure they know it.

That said, if the near-impossible did come to pass..... If Brazil's MindFlow were still in the US at that time, I'd love to see 'em added to the fest as an early slot. They were great at TX MadFest and very cool guys, too.

I know they'll be in the States for a while -- but I'm not sure exactly how long. :)
I would agree with you 100% if it was not for the fact that Threshold has had all the stability of shaken nitroglycerine. The reality is this: Glenn took a gamble on a good act that has rarely been stable. I can understand if Mac died, or some other calamity happened. Then, by all means bail. But, this is another Threshold lineup change.

I'll bet you're thinking of that other band Thrashold; they only have one member and he keeps changing every year. Actually, it's a she this time. :)

Mac was the singer for almost a decade. Nick Midson left a few years ago, but he had been in the band since the beginning so it's not like he was a Johnny Come Lately who bailed after an album or two. Jon Jeary left five years ago, another original member. He was replaced by Steve Anderson, who is gone now - but they are bass players, and that seems to be the revolving door position in most bands with any turnover. Apart from the original singer shuffle, there have been only two significant departures, both of original members who had certainly put in their time, and those departures happened years ago.

And look on the bright side - now Mac can concentrate on ... Galloglass!! (If he's still going to sing for them.)

I would agree with you 100% if it was not for the fact that Threshold has had all the stability of shaken nitroglycerine. The reality is this: Glenn took a gamble on a good act that has rarely been stable.

Others have replied same as I would.

Although, my immediate initial response was the same as this caveman's response:

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I don't see what the potential problem is... does anyone remember when Into Eternity and Adagio both lost their vocalists a couple months before ProgPower? And Adagio's vocalist was David Readman, who was considered to be the main reason most people wanted to see them. A couple people whined about their performances, but in all reality, both bands did just fine. Not to mention the times that bands have had to get replacement musicians at the last minute *ahemWutheringHeightsahem*.

Until Threshold officially cancels their appearance (an eventuality which Glenn has faced before with good results... does anyone remember the Nevermore or Vanden Plas debacles?), I wish people here would stop biting their nails.
If Threshold bails, and I think it would be the height of unprofessional conduct if they do, it is not like Glenn has much of a choice to bring a quality #4 from Europe. The only option I see is that if Threshold bails, Glenn has no other option but to do one of two things:

1) Make the All-Star Jam as the Saturday headliner, moving After Forever to the 4th slot (Floor will just LOVE that....NOT!) and moving Communic back to its original period.


2) Move everyone up one, and brinigng in an act like Suspyre, Zandelle or another American based act, and make them the #1.

I do not see any other option that Glenn has if Threshold bails.

Ray C.

Or, he could just give more time to all the bands that are left...

OR...he could bring in the band that he originally built this concert around this year...
I will echo some of the comments. I don't think instability when I think of Threshold. And I think Steve Anderson is still with the band. One poster stated otherwise.

I do hope they somehow get this straightened out. If they do have to cancel, I am certainly not going to call them unprofessional. The only unprofessional one is Mac. They were thrown for a loop when he decided to bolt.
I will echo some of the comments. I don't think instability when I think of Threshold. And I think Steve Anderson is still with the band. One poster stated otherwise.

I do hope they somehow get this straightened out. If they do have to cancel, I am certainly not going to call them unprofessional. The only unprofessional one is Mac. They were thrown for a loop when he decided to loop.

Let me give a quick disclaimer: I think Threshold is a fantastic band and all three vocalists are really good. I do prefer Damian over the other two and these guys are totally pro. However, I would not consider myself a fan of the band. This disclaimer is so that nobody starts pointing at me saying fanboi and stuff, because I know how that goes.

I don't see either parties as being unprofessional. Mac did what he had to do for very good reasons and I hold nothing against him. It was no doubt a very hard decision for him to make. I don't understand why everyone is jumping down this guys throat for making a decision that most anyone would have made had they been in the same spot. Nobody here has any idea about the actual events that took place to cause his situation. You may claim that he should have given more notice, but what if he himself wasn't even aware that he would have to make that sort of decision until a week before it was made? What if something happened in his life that forced him to make an immediate decision? Has that never happened to any of you before, where you were forced to make an immediate decision that could seriously affect your life/lifestyle? Without knowing the details, it's pretty fucking harsh of people to start saying he's unprofessional and just downright talking dirt about him. If he was ego-tripping or something, that would be understandable of people to berate him. However, he explained that he is in a terrible financial position right now and he had to do what was best for his family. Totally understandable.

I do not know any specific details about Mac's situation, only the information that was already posted. I don't think it can be said that he was unprofessional at all about the situation, unless you can show details about what led up to his leaving specifically. I would say that if he has known for months and months now, then alright, that is a bit unprofessional. He never gave a timeframe though and for all anyone knows, something could have happened earlier in the week to his family that forced him to finally make the hard choice that he didn't want to make. Many of you are playing a seriously bad game of:

