Threshold/ProgPower USA update

I go by what has been reported. Even Mac said it was bad timing. The rest of the group was screwed by the timing of the decision. As I said, I don't fault him for doing what he has to do. Only that he didn't give them any time at all to make arrangements to replace him. In another post, I likened it to the Ricky Williams situation from a few years ago. He screwed the living hell out of the Phins by retiring after the draft and right before the season of 2004. They basically tanked that season because they weren't prepared for that at all. Why didn't he do this before the draft or before some of the mini camps?? Same applies here. I think Mac owed it to the rest of the band to at least give them enough time to get a replacement instead of having to scramble to get D. Wilson. I believe Mac was unprofessional by doing this in this manner. It is all about professional responsibility. Too many people excuse poor behavior. Especially in this country lately with L. Lohan, P. Hilton and Michael Vick.
I go by what has been reported. Even Mac said it was bad timing. The rest of the group was screwed by the timing of the decision. As I said, I don't fault him for doing what he has to do. Only that he didn't give them any time at all to make arrangements to replace him. In another post, I likened it to the Ricky Williams situation from a few years ago. He screwed the living hell out of the Phins by retiring after the draft and right before the season of 2004. They basically tanked that season because they weren't prepared for that at all. Why didn't he do this before the draft or before some of the mini camps?? Same applies here. I think Mac owed it to the rest of the band to at least give them enough time to get a replacement instead of having to scramble to get D. Wilson. I believe Mac was unprofessional by doing this in this manner. It is all about professional responsibility. Too many people excuse poor behavior. Especially in this country lately with L. Lohan, P. Hilton and Michael Vick.

Mac and Williams don't equate at all. Williams can sit back and enjoy the rest of his life on the millions he made in New Orleans before ever going to Miami; therefore his decision was based on self-gratitude rather than necessity.

You contend that Mac accepting a good job now to provide for his family rather than staying in some underground band that doesn't pay the bills is bad behavior? Bad timing or not opportunity doesn't always wait. One does what is necessary when the chance is offered, and timing be damned. If Mac were offered a position that wouldn’t wait to be filled he’d have been foolish to pass it up. Choosing family over a band is not bad behavior. It’s the right thing to do.

It’s absurd how fans feel that artists should starve in order be true to a band and the art. Naturally they feel this way from the comfort of their own comfortable home with it’s well stocked kitchen. Starving for artists or anyone else is highly overrated.

Personally I don't give a damn if Threshold plays ProgPower or not. Nevertheless, I understand how some may be upset at these developments. That doesn’t justify criticizing a man for doing what he must in order to support what should always be his first priority. Not even by putting the “I understand why he did it” disclaimer before citing “bad behavior.”

And who exactly is excusing Lohan, Hilton, or especially Vick?
You contend that Mac accepting a good job now to provide for his family rather than staying in some underground band that doesn't pay the bills is bad behavior?

Apparently in this case the definition of "bad behavior" is an event or circumstance that yields personal inconvenience and dissatisfaction to someone who has no grounds for passing judgment.

I would agree with you 100% if it was not for the fact that Threshold has had all the stability of shaken nitroglycerine. The reality is this: Glenn took a gamble on a good act that has rarely been stable. I can understand if Mac died, or some other calamity happened. Then, by all means bail. But, this is another Threshold lineup change. Are you going to stand there and tell me that Damien, or some other singer, would not want to make the effort to learn the material to play in the band's biggest career moment in the US?

Ray C.

Ah, yes, 1998 (Clone) through 2007 (Dead Reckoning), a period of great instability. :rolleyes:

Regardless of who ends up on the mic for Threshold, I'd love to see them at PPUSA again (which would either equal or eclipse their biggest career moment in the US). However, should the band deem it necessary to cancel their appearance, I'd hardly term it unprofessional, especially given the timeline to which Glenn referred. If anything, it appears they're trying to make it work, but are cognizant of the time-sensitive nature of the fest, and they're looking after Glenn's interest, alongside their own. How unprofessional!
Oh well. Let everyone do what they want to do. Who gives a fuck how it affects other people. Let anarachy rule.
I hope that they work things out with Damien.
I've actually been a fan since the Wounded CD and I have still never seen them live.
Please make it happen!
If Damien needs some assistance with some of the newer material, I will gladly pitch in and get up on stage with them myself.
Crossing my fingers...
If Threshold bails, and I think it would be the height of unprofessional conduct if they do, it is not like Glenn has much of a choice to bring a quality #4 from Europe. The only option I see is that if Threshold bails, Glenn has no other option but to do one of two things:

1) Make the All-Star Jam as the Saturday headliner, moving After Forever to the 4th slot (Floor will just LOVE that....NOT!) and moving Communic back to its original period.


2) Move everyone up one, and brinigng in an act like Suspyre, Zandelle or another American based act, and make them the #1.

I do not see any other option that Glenn has if Threshold bails.

Ray C.

This sounds like the perfect spot for Enchant:kickass: :worship: :worship:
Sounds fair. You know, I wouldn't mind Mercenary coming back. :)

(Yeah I know about the 2 in a row rule! I'm half teasing!)

Heh, any chance to hear/see Mercenary and hang w/dose guys is cool with me. They should do a "guest spot". :headbang:
I add to the votes for Enchant, Mercenary and Zandelle.

About Zandelle: I've heard some of the new stuff they're working on and it's really good. No spoilers but I think it will surprise everyone. Plus...I think they would be a good fit for an opener or the Pre-Party at this point...and I would definitely like to see them here next year. By next ProgPower they should have their third album out if everything goes alright.

In fact, I'll even go as far as to say I'll sponsor them for next year. (Or maybe even this year if it comes to it...but I know with some of the commitments of members of the band it is possible they couldn't even do this year)
Yeah, really....I haven't either. Aside from the occasional drunken performance and subsequent embarassment, they've never really had too much negative criticism levelled at them in PP circles.

I'd be startled if Threshold were completely unable to perform at PPUSA. It's an important gig for them, and I'm sure they know it.

That said, if the near-impossible did come to pass..... If Brazil's MindFlow were still in the US at that time, I'd love to see 'em added to the fest as an early slot. They were great at TX MadFest and very cool guys, too.

I know they'll be in the States for a while -- but I'm not sure exactly how long. :)

They leave on Aug 11th, fly to Brazil, get a new change of clothes and then head to Europe for 5 weeks (Lots of shows) then back to Brazil, having talked to them their visa(according to Diego) are good until November 07, so they could still come if need be and with no Visa problems.:worship: :headbang: :worship: