

Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia

Fans of Drudkh might appreciate this band, considering Amorth of Drudkh is on drums and vocals in Thunderkraft.

To try to describe their music isnt easy: Death Metal, but with a hint of Ukrainian folk style that Drudkh has made popular. Unknown if they are National Socialist (I can only presume given Drudkh's leanings as well as Hate Forest's... massive yawn if they are anyway).

Some sites describe them as Folk/Industrial/Deathcore, but I'm not so sure I agree - I think theyre more creative & unique than those descriptions cater for.

The music is cold, sometimes atmospheric, ominous in places and quite raw (but not in an old skool style). Crisp production with thin keys winding through the riffage with occasional flutes and violins, completed with a more death growled version of Drudkh's awesome vocalist/drummer.

Quite a different album, and definitely a good one. Could be a band to keep an eye on.

Encyclopaedia Metallum page here..

Band's label page here.

Sample here.

Anyone else heard them? Any thoughts?
I heard of them, right after i clicked the sample link. I liked it until the singing started, the change of music and vocals killed the mood that the intro set imo. Kinda funny how the song slows down and speeds up towards the metronome haha? But i give it a "Meh" its not awful, but i wouldnt buy it.