
no offence taken man , actually I put that there because somone was going to go off and show how much hypocrisy there is in this world, so no stress from me , actually saved me writing an essay heh heh :)
BUT there is one thing that must be noted ......it is after all China's lucky year isnt it with the games being on the 8/8/08 heh heh , I gotta be honest with you when I hear on radio the propaganda that there have been no people from Tibet killed in the riots by the Chinese, I along with everyone else just goes "cough Bullshit".
Btw , as for socialist hippies etc and all that blah blah , just yesterday Rudd who's still a conservative leftie had the balls to at least say what was going on in Tibet was wrong,he did this in China in a packed Uni and he did it speaking Mandarin , pretty good shit I say .
Human rights are nothing when it comes to the dollar , but I gotta say this , how can you trust a country that sells organs for transplants/donors from people who are infected with HIV .
That is just one of the major shonky things that they do, not discounting what the rest of the world does, not at all , but this year the spotlight is on China because of the Olympics.
I reckon sport is shit anyway.

oh, yeah.

And Australia is so fucking wonderful.

how about America's human rights record?
India, Russia, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Saudi Arabi, Pakistan, Turkey, Spain or the United Kingdom?

How about we bring anywhere from the Balkans in to it?
Because they are so shiny in the way they treat each.

We shit on the Chinese for doing nasty stuff (and yes, their government does do very nasty stuff) but compared with everywhere else in the World, it's all pretty on the level.

Human Rights is a joke and a lie.
We do to others what we can get away with and then point our fingers at others when we get them pointed at us.

People becry the better, loving and gentler nature of humanity when, in truth, there really is no such thing.
We use reason and justification to do the worst things possible to our fellow human beings. This is the way it has been since time past and will probably continue until we either invent or discover another race to heap our petty hatreds and anger upon.

And, Chris, this is nothing against you, man.
Just an open rant against everyone I've had to listen to over the past week saying how bad China is (the week before that how bad the USA treated Iraq, before that how bad Australia treats Aboriginals and immigrants and so on) whilst denying the most fundamental tenants of Human History -that we are always cruel and will do vile things to our fellow creatures.

I do not approve nor justify what the Chinese Government (as opposed to the people as a whole, who are exceptionally different in attitudes) is doing in Tibet or to their people in their own nation but if you have a wide view of Chinese history and attitudes, you would see this as a pattern. Same with so many other nations and peoples on Earth.

and the day some ignorant hippy/socialist/protest-happy-fucktard can actually say to me that humans are fucked up and hypocritical creatures and understand from the atom of it why is the day I will shave my head and take up (Buddhist) priestly robes and go into the World to help chip away at the ignorance that abounds.

as for the Olympic Games themselves, I say get rid of the entire thing.
Just a fucking waste of time really.
We get way too worked up over it -especially here in Australia.
And for what?
A few bits of shiny metal?
It's not like it really does anything to change the World at all.

these rant is brought to you by physical pain, sugar, caffeine and lack of sleep and is surprisingly not aimed at any one here.
Despite not agreeing with what most of you have said, you haven't really said anything wrong (except for Koichi in his broad statement of a people). I actually do agree with what has been said as a whole -especially Zombius, Stonewall and Shannow.
if you're going to protest, you don't have to turn over cars and set fires to them.
Or tackle and maim some young girl for simply caring a fucking candle about the place.
But such is human nature I guess.

But at least we have the right to protest here , violence should have no part of it , I agree .
Thing is , remember Tianamen square ?
They had a protest and look what happened , Tibet was initially protesting as well and look what happened, what is happening in Tibet is pretty much the same situation of what is happening in many places in the world , it does not make it right though.
Australia is filled with such political weekend warriors who jump on the big band wagon for an excuse to rail against something -scream & shout and wave their banners about- and then move onto the next big thing to stand against.

That's every country in the world, the thing is, not everyone reads the papers everyday, not everyone scours the internet looking for obscure articles and things during work time. More than likely,these weekend warriors were simply people who were unaware of the issue until it was raised on the news or another public forum, and then became morally outrage once they were no longer ignorant to the issue.
More than likely,these weekend warriors were simply people who were unaware of the issue until it was raised on the news or another public forum, and then became morally outrage once they were no longer ignorant to the issue.

These people always look for the next big hot-button issues and wait for them to come up.

moral outrage doesn't even begin to come into it.

they grab the basics of the information so they can talk big about it and sound as if they know what is going on -usually by reading Green Left Weekly and other socialist newsletters- and then gear up to cause trouble.

Go to The Phoenix, the ANU refectory or courtyard and Civic on a weekend and you can find these fuck knuckles everywhere.
oh, yeah.

And Australia is so fucking wonderful.

how about America's human rights record?
India, Russia, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Saudi Arabi, Pakistan, Turkey, Spain or the United Kingdom?

How about we bring anywhere from the Balkans in to it?
Because they are so shiny in the way they treat each.

We shit on the Chinese for doing nasty stuff (and yes, their government does do very nasty stuff) but compared with everywhere else in the World, it's all pretty on the level.

China has by far, the worst human rights record post world war 2, and that is only what we know. Their media is so locked down we don't 95% of what goes on. At least the other countries are a lot more transparent about what they do after they have done it.

and the day some ignorant hippy/socialist/protest-happy-fucktard can actually say to me that humans are fucked up and hypocritical creatures and understand from the atom of it why is the day I will shave my head and take up (Buddhist) priestly robes and go into the World to help chip away at the ignorance that abounds.

Aren't you already a buddhist? I seem to remember you mentioning that it in the past.

these rant is brought to you by physical pain, sugar, caffeine and lack of sleep and is surprisingly not aimed at any one here.
Despite not agreeing with what most of you have said, you haven't really said anything wrong (except for Koichi in his broad statement of a people). I actually do agree with what has been said as a whole -especially Zombius, Stonewall and Shannow.

You should expect my broad statements by now, and realise their intent.:)
These people always look for the next big hot-button issues and wait for them to come up.

moral outrage doesn't even begin to come into it.

they grab the basics of the information so they can talk big about it and sound as if they know what is going on -usually by reading Green Left Weekly and other socialist newsletters- and then gear up to cause trouble.

Go to The Phoenix, the ANU refectory or courtyard and Civic on a weekend and you can find these fuck knuckles everywhere.

Yes, there is a noisy minority, I won't deny that.

You have an overly pessimistic view on people in regards to intent, I have one of people based on ignorance.
China has by far, the worst human rights record post world war 2, and that is only what we know. Their media is so locked down we don't 95% of what goes on. At least the other countries are a lot more transparent about what they do after they have done it.

I think South Africa has China beat post WW2.
Then you have United States of America's involvement in Chile and Pinochet, Argentina's rule by the Generals, Bruma and their Junta, Afghanitan and the Taliban's treatment of women and all minorities.
And let us not forget all that ethnic cleansing on Bosnia.

We point our fingers at the Chinese because they are the ones who openly tell we in the Enlightened West to go fuck ourselves and our hypocrisy.

They simply have the added measures of a great internal propaganda machine and keeping their own people ignorant -which is getting harder and harder to do these days.

Aren't you already a buddhist? I seem to remember you mentioning that it in the past.

I'm a practicing Buddhist but not a monk or a priest, Josh.
Big difference.
And going out to teach and englighten the World is not the same as personally practicing the philosophical principles of one's beliefs.

You should expect my broad statements by now, and realise their intent.:)

that you are a prick who likes to flame as much as a booner like his Winnie Blues.
You have an overly pessimistic view on people in regards to intent, I have one of people based on ignorance.

I have a dark & a practical view of Humanity and have had lots of experience with such people.

And the people who believe every form of Leftist propaganda that is put out without proof ("The attacks of September 11th 2001 was orchestrated by the US government and it was all planned so they could wage their hate wars" or "the Australian government are part of a Global Racist Conspiracy to keep all non-whites repressed and turn them into 2nd class citizens").

I walk amongst all classes & kinds of people and call my judgements from what I have experienced amongst them.
Sorry Ewen, I gotta bring this up too

Despite not agreeing with what most of you have said, you haven't really said anything wrong (except for Koichi in his broad statement of a people)

Let's play Sale of the Century shall we?

Peter Tägtgren was the front man of which great band?

These people always look for the next big hot-button issues and wait for them to come up.

moral outrage doesn't even begin to come into it.

they grab the basics of the information so they can talk big about it and sound as if they know what is going on -usually by reading Green Left Weekly and other socialist newsletters- and then gear up to cause trouble.

Go to The Phoenix, the ANU refectory or courtyard and Civic on a weekend and you can find these fuck knuckles everywhere.


You missed my point in regards to China not being transparent with their human rights breaches. They have a lot more than everyone else, even per capita.

Besides, the way they've bainwashed their people into thinking nothing is wrong is a humans right breach on a nation wide scale.
How exactly are your violent views towards people in line with buddhist teachings?

Sheesh man, and you talk about hypocrisy of the west.

Never said that they were. My violence is my own personal thing and I make no contentions or claims that I am an sort of good Buddhist.

Buddhism in its truest form is about knowing who you are and taking responsiblity over how you feel and act on things.

The Buddha said that you didn't have to be a good person, just be a person.
Let's play Sale of the Century shall we?

Peter Tägtgren was the front man of which great band?


You missed my point in regards to China not being transparent with their human rights breaches. They have a lot more than everyone else, even per capita.

That's like saying tall people bully dwarves because there are less dwarves then regular people.

Besides, the way they've bainwashed their people into thinking nothing is wrong is a humans right breach on a nation wide scale.

So does ever country and it has always been done under many guises.
Chinese have always have had a different view of the price of human life and they never deny it.
Just read some of their history or stories -I recommend the unabridged version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Bandits of the Water Marsh or simply watch the series Swordsmen of the Passes on SBS saturday nights.