
I'll admit when I am, I know when I'm not.

You can't seriously sit here and say
I walk amongst all classes & kinds of people and call my judgements from what I have experienced amongst them.

and not have people think you aren't.

News flash tiger, everyone does, several people here a lot more than you have.

News flash tiger, everyone does, several people here a lot more than you have.

Everyone has their pretensions and their own experiences.

I make no claims of more or less then others here and can only make claims on my own pretensions & experiences, not any one else's.

and do not mistake my words as any personal.

You & I are both creatures of strong arguments and opinions and thus we may never share a similar point of view but make no mistake that I have no dislikes of you.

If you still ventured out to gigs (such as Temtris at the Basement on Saturday) I will still most liekly shout you a drink (if I have the money that is).

But our views on such nothing as so called Human Rights & China are too far apart to ever gain a common consensus on.
I'm pretty much over metal to be honest. I haven't found a metal release really interesting for a few years now.

I still go to gigs, just not metal gigs.
Not to mention the CIA supplying a few million dollars worth of arms to Tibetan movements in I think the 60s and 70s. Just so they could be a thorn in the side of communism like Afghanistan was later on. The CIA are cunts. Discuss.
Not to mention the CIA supplying a few million dollars worth of arms to Tibetan movements in I think the 60s and 70s. Just so they could be a thorn in the side of communism like Afghanistan was later on. The CIA are cunts. Discuss.

CIA actually had a hand in getting rid of Whitlam (yet to be officially proven and am writing this mostly sarcastically) but some senior CIA members at the time where on the record as saying that they wanted to blow him up and blame it on Communist for removing Australia from Vietnam and trying to stand the country on its own two feet away from them.

other then that, the shit the CIA has pulled included arming Columbian drug dealers to fight the then socialist government and now those drug dealers have formed their own armed rebellion and fight the USA and the American backed government over control of drug lands.

CIA helped to get rid of the democratically elected government of Chile and helped install the dictator Pinochett because Chile had elected a Socialist president. They then ignored all the deaths and tortures that Pinochett committed.

Too much shit to mention and most of it is hard to tell whether or not it is conspiracy or real but the general view is that they act like a law unto themselves (see the recent US Senate investigation into their torture methods that have been released to the public) but still have decent moral people working for them.

Side to this: missed the news last night.
Anyone know what happened to the torch rely in San Francisco?
Heard mention this morning on the radio that it got pretty violent or something.
They redirected most of the relay, just to fuck everyone off.
As for the CIA they are one of many of the US security forces that was formed due to the states own paranoia against the world and if they were disassembled most of the terror oparanioa and shit going on around the world would scream to a halt, military defence spending wouild go down and the yanks income would be halved, so to maintain control of the northern hemishpere things like the CIA will always exsist, stupid Yanks...my 2c
Think Indonesia is more concerned over protests over China's crackdown and repression of the Muslim minorities in the North Western Provinces.

Don't think any Indos actually give a shit about Tibet or protesting for protestings sake.