Ticket and Record prices...


Bone ´em all.
Oct 29, 2005
Austria. Fucked.
i´m wondering sometimes why the fuck everything is so expensive??

i´ve been to an iron maiden show this summer and paid about 60 bucks.
that´s sick. and 18 bucks for a record is even more sick.

most of the time i buy records that are cheaper, like 10 bucks or .....
unless a record is new...

but i won´t buy a record that´s about 30 min. long for 20 $ for fuck´s sake...
fuck virgin, epic, roadrunner and all the other record companies, truly fuck ém

this is what comes to my mind:
"as the checks come rollin in and the t-shirts start to sell....
rage against the mac machine
cashin in, sell out hypocrites...."

:yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :OMG: :Spam:
fabian_from_hell said:
i´m wondering sometimes why the fuck everything is so expensive??

i´ve been to an iron maiden show this summer and paid about 60 bucks.
that´s sick. and 18 bucks for a record is even more sick.

most of the time i buy records that are cheaper, like 10 bucks or .....
unless a record is new...

but i won´t buy a record that´s about 30 min. long for 20 $ for fuck´s sake...
fuck virgin, epic, roadrunner and all the other record companies, truly fuck ém

this is what comes to my mind:
"as the checks come rollin in and the t-shirts start to sell....
rage against the mac machine
cashin in, sell out hypocrites...."

:yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: :OMG: :Spam:

I rarely if ever buy CDs anymore. 18$? I bet no one saw that coming. And you thought 10$ for an "album" was a lot.

Remeber when they said CDs would be cheap? They would be cheap to make (and they are too--i worked in a CD plant in the early 90s) and they would last soooo long. Yeah right--get a scratch on it and it's worthless.

Maybe i wouldn't mind spending that much, if i thought the cd was good, but nowadays, buy a cd, has 12 songs, 3 of them you like and the rest suck. Not worth 18$ that's for sure.

I buy CDs from some of the local bands. I would rather give 5 bucks to a bunch of kids who are trying to do something original and producing their own stuff then to a money hungry record company who does nothing but regurgitate the same bullshit over and over again.

Please don't get me started on the ticket prices...that's a whole other rant. My first concert was Iron Maiden when i was about 12. Guess how much those tix were--12.50. Holy shit.
Oblivious Maximus said:
I hear ya. I walk into an FYE to buy the new Immolation album, and it's $19! What the fuck! Also a Cannibal Corpse album is $18. Pretty gay if you ask me. 20 bucks for an album with 8 songs on it.

fye is retarded expensive. I stick to either the internet or my local shop back in Tennessee, it rules www.discexchange.com
Jenna_Bush said:
I rarely if ever buy CDs anymore. 18$? I bet no one saw that coming. And you thought 10$ for an "album" was a lot.

Remeber when they said CDs would be cheap? They would be cheap to make (and they are too--i worked in a CD plant in the early 90s) and they would last soooo long. Yeah right--get a scratch on it and it's worthless.

Maybe i wouldn't mind spending that much, if i thought the cd was good, but nowadays, buy a cd, has 12 songs, 3 of them you like and the rest suck. Not worth 18$ that's for sure.

I buy CDs from some of the local bands. I would rather give 5 bucks to a bunch of kids who are trying to do something original and producing their own stuff then to a money hungry record company who does nothing but regurgitate the same bullshit over and over again.

Please don't get me started on the ticket prices...that's a whole other rant. My first concert was Iron Maiden when i was about 12. Guess how much those tix were--12.50. Holy shit.

Yeah, I paid 50 bucks for front row to see Ozzy in 1982 on the Diary tour. I thought that was a mint. Now I pay at least 40 bucks for regular crappy seats.
As for the tix prices. I like going to the smaller venues better. You get to be closer to the band, and you can buy a beer if you want. More bang for your buck.
Jenna_Bush said:
As for the tix prices. I like going to the smaller venues better. You get to be closer to the band, and you can buy a beer if you want. More bang for your buck.

I agree, but most of the time the good shows are during the week and adults have to work...after all we're the ones with the money!
Remeber when they said CDs would be cheap? They would be cheap to make (and they are too--i worked in a CD plant in the early 90s) and they would last soooo long. Yeah right--get a scratch on it and it's worthless.

you´re so right. my message is: fuck ém all.

i never download, but it would be cool if EVERYBODY would DOWNLOAD. then the motherfuckers would make it cheaper. let´s start a download-revolution. hahahahahahhahahaha
Eeeh, when I were a lad, all this round here were fields and trees, and we never had cars. Except fer rich squire in t'big house at top of t'hill. And there were no telly, or Playstations. We had to make us own entertainment back in them days, all good clean wholesome stuff, none of yer devil worshipping mindless violence and thuggery back then, oh no. And we had to behave us-selves, and be all growed up and responsible, cos all the men in t'village were over in Europe throwing back Jerry and 'is evil horde. And bombing the shit out of the Fatherland.

Aye, it were no picnic back then, we never got no presents at Christmas, just an apple and an orange in a sock, and if we wuz really lucky, a couple of peanuts. But they had to last us all year. All we wanted from Santa was to see us Dad, home from the front. With his big suitcase full of "liberated" swag from t'war, like silk stockings, tins of coffee, chocolate, confiscated family heirlooms and lugers, which he had "found" literally just lying there. In a warehouse, apparently.

And as for music, we never had none of yer new-fangled Contract Disc players or whatever they are called, no, we had to make do with a wind-up gramaphone with a big fuck-off trumpet on the side of it. Eeh, it were champion, t'whole family gathered round listening to t'latest Glen Miller hit on 78rpm. (Someone said they heard him hit t'water in his plane one night, but that's another story.....) Sometimes we'd listen to wireless, fer t'hear t'latest broadcast from Lord Haw Haw. Eeeh, it were reet funny, sometimes granny would piss her bloomers and t'whole room would stink of asparagus tips. Champion!!

So, stop yer fucking whinging yer little bleeders, you never had it so good.
Mind you, I've not forgiven that fucking robbing bitch, Sharon Osbourne for the outrageous ticket fees they charged, just so I could see BLS, Slayer, and Ozzy. (Along with 70 other bands who looked the fucking same, sounded the fucking same ie. shite, and could have even been the fucking same band.) Eeh, whatever happened to value for money eh?
The thing is, they're selling someone else's collection, the one they just burgled.

Either way, buying from Mega Records Supastore or Sharky's Pawn Shop, it's money into the pockets of thieves!