Tickets available for Doro at Mojoes in Joliet--October 12th


Oct 12, 2004
Hey, everyone!

My band Acracy is opening for Doro on Sunday, October 12th at Mojoes in Joliet. If anyone from the Chicago area is planning on attending the event, I have tickets for sale. $15 gets you a night with the queen of metal and a pretty cool new progressive/power metal band (okay, so I'm a little biased with the second band!). Feel free to respond to this post here in the thread or send me a private message. If any of you are attending ProgPower this week and would like to buy a ticket, just let me know, as I'll bring some tickets with me. Otherwise, I'll be happy to deliver the tickets personally when I'm back in town. At the very least, you'll save a few bucks on the service fees!

Stay metal. Never rust.