
The fact that you posted half of that speaks volumes about you as a person, but let's not go there.

If she can't get over the fact that you can't stand it and still wants to do it anyways, she'll eventually have to go - if she can't stop tickling you, who knows what else she won't be able to stop doing (eating, coke, sleeping with her co-workers, other things generally not healthy for relationships)?

That said... how bad can it really be? It's tickling dude... I generally just put up with it, because... well... it's a tickle. Tickle the shit out of her and turn it into sex - that way you'll only have to have to endure like half a tickle before you tun it on her and then you get sex out of it. Win-Win!
That said... how bad can it really be? It's tickling dude... I generally just put up with it, because... well... it's a tickle. Tickle the shit out of her and turn it into sex - that way you'll only have to have to endure like half a tickle before you tun it on her and then you get sex out of it. Win-Win!

I dont know about Marcus, but personally i instinctively react to tickling by throwing the hardest punch i possibly can. ;X
Well naturally now and then it's not a big deal, it's mainly the frequency that bugs me - anyway, just looking for some other viewpoints on the topic, sorry if the details were too much; considering some of the stuff I've seen posted here (Lasse's swinger exploits in his youth, for example :lol: ) I didn't really think much of it, and also wanted to recommend a product that's made it even better for us!
I almost lost my virginity when tickling an old friend of mine when I was 16yo. Well, that's another story...

Tickling sucks dude, but like Jeff said, turn it to sex (or do something unplesant everytime she tries to tickle you, like farting. She'll associate tickling with farting and may give up).
That said... how bad can it really be? It's tickling dude... I generally just put up with it, because... well... it's a tickle. Tickle the shit out of her and turn it into sex - that way you'll only have to have to endure like half a tickle before you tun it on her and then you get sex out of it. Win-Win!

+1 to this, because I also share this response:
I dont know about Marcus, but personally i instinctively react to tickling by throwing the hardest punch i possibly can. ;X
Well you know, she tickles you, you tickle her back, start sorta wrestling, pin her down, and then put the spurs to her :D Obviously that's playful and fun and whatnot, I can dig it, but she'll often keep doing it long past the point of it getting old (and won't take the hint), and it just gets annoying - whatever, it's not a huge deal, and we'll work it out!
this thread can be condensed down to
"im good in bed, how do stop tickles?"
Okay, I seriously had to stop laughing before I could write. Seriously not laughing at ANYONE, just the mere fact that this is a tickling thread. Started by Marcus. With sex details.

My biggest question would be why she's fixated on tickling. If it's just her way of saying hi, then that's who she's going to be. Either she changes or she goes if it bugs you that much. If she tickles you because she simply wants attention, then I'd call that a character issue which is harder to deal with. If she tickles you every time she wants some hanky panky, then figure out positive alternatives to turn ons. Offer to change something about the way you communicate in return.

Oh, and BTW, if I ever become gay I'm totally going after you Marcus. Sounds like you know how to treat a person right :D
Connect the tickling associatively to something she doesn't like. :hypno:

throwing the hardest punch

That could work :lol:

Seriously though, chicks just seem to do this. IMO it's like their period, they just can't stop it from happening. Turn it into something you do like, ie, do it back to her untill she asks you to stop, do it to her till you get your fingers wet, etc...