Tilburg 013 05-10-03

Voorprogramma in Tilburg is trouwens The Dead Old Tree. Hebben een cd uit genaamd The Nameless Disease, is goeie cd, dus ben benieuwd.
Ach ik kom uit wageningen en ik ben ook naar groningen geweest toen, en naar utrecht en naar F.O.R en nu naar Tilburg!!!! Faaantaastisch!!
Kom toch joh Demiana!? deze damnation show zal je nooit weer zien!
Ik zal het straks met de DVD moeten doen.. geen cash genoeg :( Erg jammer, ondanks dat ik Opeth al 4x live heb gezien. Maar goed, Daan gaat 6 december naar MetallicA, dus dat maakt het toch weer een beetje goed :headbang:

...of zitten hier ook alleen maar 'tallica-haters? :)
Daan1982 said:
Ik zal het straks met de DVD moeten doen.. geen cash genoeg :( Erg jammer, ondanks dat ik Opeth al 4x live heb gezien. Maar goed, Daan gaat 6 december naar MetallicA, dus dat maakt het toch weer een beetje goed :headbang:

...of zitten hier ook alleen maar 'tallica-haters? :)

Nee, zeker geen 'Tallica hater! Fan zelfs. Ik ga ook 6 december. ik ben zelfs een clubber...Ja tegenwoordig is het eigenlijk niet cool om Metallica fan te zijn in de metal scene!? Op dit forum ook al niet volgens mij...
Damn, it was great. As extras we got Benighted, Face of Melinda, To Bid You Farewell, Soldier of Fortune and Harvest!! Was damn good. Me and my girlfriend got a pick ánd she got a drumstick!!
Judas Pissed said:
Is Harvest now a standard part of the Damnation tour?

I don't know actually, I hope so for the Aussies.

It was so great. It was a "seated" concert, but with Harvest everybody stood up and sang along, whereas during the other songs everybody was very quiet (out of respect).

I also got my CD signed by TODT!! Cool guys, their English is a bit poot though, you can also see that in their lyrics. Great music though!

Anybody has some pics to post???
@ Dark Life Dying, yeah for me the same. Only me and my sister was singing and moving (on the chair) around. It was really hard only to sit and listen to TODT... but anyway I have enjoyed them very much (and also get their signs + g-shirt :Spin: )

OPETH was SUPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no words for it....

only in my area/surrounding NOT everybody were quiet during the 'quietst' songs ... grumble grumble :Shedevil: ...they thought they were funny or whatever, they were loud talking sometimes shouting..... and yes that was pretty annyoning..........
Loreley said:
only in my area/surrounding NOT everybody were quiet during the 'quietst' songs ... grumble grumble :Shedevil: ...they thought they were funny or whatever, they were loud talking sometimes shouting..... and yes that was pretty annyoning..........

Yeah, there were a couple off dudes close to where I sat talking loudly!...next to the bar at the right! Fucking annoying!
Dark Life Dying said:
Yeah, there were a couple off dudes close to where I sat talking loudly!...next to the bar at the right! Fucking annoying!

Yeah man, during Weakness I shished (like SHHHHH!!!!) them, those fucking bastards, let them go to a trance party or something

Oh yeah, some stupid dude in front of us was talking and moving around on his chair constantly and this guy cought Martin's first drumstick. That asshole. I don't think he even liked Opeth...
Dark Life Dying said:
Yeah, there were a couple off dudes close to where I sat talking loudly!...next to the bar at the right! Fucking annoying!

yeah... they are the same dudes who we are talking about... I was also sitting there..... still a little bit pissed, 'cause during that acoustic-guitar-part with synthesizer , I was totally in that song, and because of him I get ripp out of it..... I'm sorry, I totally sux in track/titelsnames :erk: : ....
Too bad I didn't see them. I really have to buy a car so I can go to concerts whenever I like to go...
But I'm happy for you guys that it was a great gig. Damn, I would love to hear Face of Melinda live!!!
btw Mikael had a good mood that night.... made good jokes, chatting with the audience, said a couple of times that they are still a death metalband etc. etc.... and joking about the bassist that he was an embryo in the beginning years of Opeth....... it was a wonderful evening :cool: