Time for a howdy threrad...!!


Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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Hey y'all....

Thought id post a lil update thread and say a hello......

I still look in here a fair bit but just seem to have very little to say...... Im in the process of downloading all the new stuff and updating my catalogue....

Its a shame were lacking fresh drum tracks....i feel like i have a new project brewing just itching to come out..... I may give assassin a go but still cant find the tabs....... Maybe ill finally give phantom a go instead..... if its still open...!?

RABS: LOVED your notb track dude...... its been put straight into my ' guild favs ' folder.... one of the best ones thats for sure.....Also.... can u email me over ALL the various myplay accounts and passwords...??? Seems i can only access mm's at the momment....

I read a thread a lil bit back about someone having a drum machine type program....??? Any chance theres a link where to download it or can someone email it me...>??

Other than that..... im still pretty un-inspired with me music.... been through 2 bands lately and none of them seemed to click for me...... im tempted to go back to drums....playing in a band on drums or bass seems to always be more enjoyable......

Speak soon.....
Originally posted by Medsy
I read a thread a lil bit back about someone having a drum machine type program....??? Any chance theres a link where to download it or can someone email it me...>??

try this link


It's a very basic intro to how easy drums are to sequence on a computer. It should help you out, if not, ask a few questions, I've been forced to midi drum for ages due to the lack of recording drummers in the cyber world.