Time for Children Of Bodom to call it a day?

i'd say they're death cause of the vocals and the very hiperkinetic drums... SW is the most death sounding one, the last one has death riffs too but isn't as deathish as SW

i really wouldn't know what they are not, but i know what they are to me: the perfect balance of brutality and progressiveness... most bands i listen to are relatively a bit too "soft"... in fact CoB is about all the death metal i listen too besides Therion, i'm more for heavy/power/speed metal, but most of these bands have a tiny "gay" element i'd like to see gone...
bottomline: CoB rules!

one more thing: i can't get enough of the bass in HCDR!! holy shit it's massive!!
yeah guitar wise they're not regular death, and that's where the melodic element could fit... actually more in the keyboards but the guitars are obviously very melodic in HB and FTR... those melodies just kick my ass...
I don't think so. Mallmsteen's music is guitar-driven but he (as a person) is playing "classical" music. The rest of the band has a heavy style. I would discribe CoB as speed/power metal with death/black-ish vocals though.
yeah they definitively have a speed element (not just the fast double bass, rather the european style), even Alexi said so... and FTR does get quite near power metal but i wouldn't say it's enough...

in any case only Alexi (with guitars, not voice) and Janne are melodic, the rest of them don't contribute to that melodic element much...
I see them more as black influenced power metal with harsh vocals. There isn't much death metal that I can see except for some of Alexi's vocals when he does the low ones, which then don't seem gutteral enough to me to be death. Oh well, does it really matter? They make great music.:)
hehe that's the bottom line but we're discussing the middle lines...

i'd say it's the other way around, they started as black/death and went towards the power/melodic approach later
they have much melodic guitar leads, and they have the vocals and the brutality of death. so i think it's melodic death metal...

but if you want to count all the influences in their music, you can call it speed-power-death-neoclassical-black-melodic-finnish-thrash metal as well.. but that's just to long for me ;)
A personnal show ? Like in those stupid tv programs, where a poor pop singer comes singing at the home of a 13 years old girl ?
Hey, hey that would be very fun with COB, just imagine all the material, then 5 long haired men coming in your lounge, of course everything was planned in advance and your mother knows they are coming and everything...

And btw, COB is trablameldeaspepowssical metal.
i can only imagine what french indencency that stands for... you dirty french :-P

and again with the "it's just kick ass metal"... it fucking kicks ass alright but we were having a serious discussion, can't there be serious discussions instead of the generic flame war??