Time Requiem - Optical Illusion


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Time Requiem – Optical Illusion
Regain Records – RR107 – April 24th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


The main selling points for Time Requiem are that Richard Andersson (Space Odyssey, Majestic) and Göran Edman (ex-Yngwie Malmsteen) are involved, though Optical Illusion is primarily just an average prog record. I mean, if you were to siphon the talent out of this band, then you’d have enough liquid to fill a large body of water, so it’s no surprise that the musical performances are the highlight of their third studio entry. But while the keyboards and guitars shred, the overall approach isn’t fresh despite the revamped line-up.

Perhaps kin to outings found on InsideOut, Sensory, and of course Regain, Time Requiem’s music is fairly traditional. The players possess a dazzling array of strengths, the keyboard and guitar take turns occupying center stage, and well, the sound is quite recognizable. Specific moments will spawn Dream Theater and Symphony X comparisons, especially when Edman taps the high notes in true LaBrie fashion. “The Talisman” is arguably Optical Illusion’s unintentional homage to Dream Theater, whereas “Optical Illusion,” “The Ashen Soul” and “Sphere of Fantasy” recall the synth-laden tunes of Symphony X. In addition, I receive a distinct King’s X vibe from the intro to “Creator in Time” and “Miracle Man,” but that’s a tad more far-fetched. Still, it’s not like Time Requiem are a poor example of progressive metal – they aren’t no matter how much anyone wants them to be.

To continue, the primary ailment plaguing this fivesome is spread out for all willing onlookers: Andersson and company don’t set themselves apart from their fellow purveyors, at least not enough to amass enthusiastic praise. On a scale of 10, however, the musicianship is near the top if not off the chart entirely. Conversely, the material is too similar to what I’ve heard from older records that have years behind them. As a former prog junkie, the blatant resemblances might as well be gigantic, neon signs.


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Official Time Requiem Website
Official Regain Records Website