Time Requiem - The Inner Circle Of Reality
Regain Records - RNA1403 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse
If you're familiar with keyboard virtuoso Richard Andersson, then the knowledge that Time Requiem is his side project along with members of Meduza and Flower Kings will give you some idea of what to expect - grandiose, keyboard-saturated, lightning speed neoclassical metal played with the utmost of flagrant mellfluosity and the minimum of restraint. This is ivory-tinkling cock waving taken to it's very extreme - in fact, if Janne Warman and Andersson started a K3 tour and started having Korg duels in arenas, I wouldn't be at all surprised.
While the other instruments are secondary to the keyboard soloing and layering that permeates and forms the basis of all of the songs, there are some good bass grooves and guitar riffs/solos to found within, as well as a cracking Patrik Johannson impression from vocalist Apollo Papathanasio. However, unless you're absolutely devoted to this kind of keyboard-heavy instrumental showcasing, The Inner Circle Of Reality is likely to leave you somewhat cold.
Oh, and by the way - the cover of Johan Sebastian Bach's 'Prelude Variation' is as technically accurate as you might expect, whilst also managing to completely lose any of the charm and lilting beauty the original version possessed.
Richard Andersson's Official Website
Regain Records
Regain Records - RNA1403 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse

If you're familiar with keyboard virtuoso Richard Andersson, then the knowledge that Time Requiem is his side project along with members of Meduza and Flower Kings will give you some idea of what to expect - grandiose, keyboard-saturated, lightning speed neoclassical metal played with the utmost of flagrant mellfluosity and the minimum of restraint. This is ivory-tinkling cock waving taken to it's very extreme - in fact, if Janne Warman and Andersson started a K3 tour and started having Korg duels in arenas, I wouldn't be at all surprised.
While the other instruments are secondary to the keyboard soloing and layering that permeates and forms the basis of all of the songs, there are some good bass grooves and guitar riffs/solos to found within, as well as a cracking Patrik Johannson impression from vocalist Apollo Papathanasio. However, unless you're absolutely devoted to this kind of keyboard-heavy instrumental showcasing, The Inner Circle Of Reality is likely to leave you somewhat cold.
Oh, and by the way - the cover of Johan Sebastian Bach's 'Prelude Variation' is as technically accurate as you might expect, whilst also managing to completely lose any of the charm and lilting beauty the original version possessed.
Richard Andersson's Official Website
Regain Records