

Apr 20, 2001
Well I was just thinking all those things that people say about time kile "Time will tell" or "your time will come" or what ever...

Although I repeat those things constantly to my self It seems I rush about some cases.

Life is so short when you think of it. Like it's hard to be waiting, you never know what is gonna be happen...

Damn I want to get everything sometimes the most soon as possible... "time is not enough"

I might die tommorow...

But when I think of it I never seem to get radical desicions and I let my time to... (dunno what! ;) )
seems I'm talking nonsence again or I'm just trying to find nice excuses for myself! :) :deb:
Originally posted by Eddy
Yup, life's too short. That's why I'm trying to live my life to the max.

Depends what you mean by that...
I still dunno what means living it in the max! :eek:

This spot reminds the the pepsi max advertisement! :p
Time Will Tell

Time is supposed to tell all. What if it doesn't want to? What if time is like "Screw you, I'm not telling you anything. I just don't feel up to it right now". What do you say back?
"Hey dammit, tell me!"
"Tell you what?"
"Tell me whatever the hell it is everybody is promising me you're going to tell!"
"And if I don't?"
"Then I'll tell you!"
"Tell me what?"
"I'll... tell you, time..."
"Yes, we established that, what exactly are you going to be telling me?"
"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be the one to tell me stuff!"
"Nonsense. You know how to tell time."
"Err... yes, but..."
"Well then?"
"Alright, look, according to common expressions, we're supposed to both tell each other stuff. How about we come to some sort of agreement?"
"What can you tell me?"
"I can tell time."
"So let me get this straight, I tell you the resolution to all of the issues in your life and, in return, you give me a few digits?"
"Uh... well..."
"Sounds like a shitty deal."
"Are you Swiss?"
"Uhh... nothing. Right. Nice talking to you."
"Oh, running away, eh? Well, run you yellow bastard!"

Time is what it is... to me, fretting about time or the lack thereof is just one more way to not be living life to it's fullest and making every moment count. I guess the bottom line the way I see it is like anything else... there's not a lot you can do about it, so do what you want to when you want to it and if you're doing something you don't want to be doing, it's not worth wasting time on.

Does Pepsi Max even still exist?
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
Time Will Tell

Time is supposed to tell all. What if it doesn't want to? What if time is like "Screw you, I'm not telling you anything. I just don't feel up to it right now". What do you say back?
"Hey dammit, tell me!"
"Tell you what?"
"Tell me whatever the hell it is everybody is promising me you're going to tell!"
"And if I don't?"
"Then I'll tell you!"
"Tell me what?"
"I'll... tell you, time..."
"Yes, we established that, what exactly are you going to be telling me?"
"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be the one to tell me stuff!"
"Nonsense. You know how to tell time."
"Err... yes, but..."
"Well then?"
"Alright, look, according to common expressions, we're supposed to both tell each other stuff. How about we come to some sort of agreement?"
"What can you tell me?"
"I can tell time."
"So let me get this straight, I tell you the resolution to all of the issues in your life and, in return, you give me a few digits?"
"Uh... well..."
"Sounds like a shitty deal."
"Are you Swiss?"
"Uhh... nothing. Right. Nice talking to you."
"Oh, running away, eh? Well, run you yellow bastard!"

Time is what it is... to me, fretting about time or the lack thereof is just one more way to not be living life to it's fullest and making every moment count. I guess the bottom line the way I see it is like anything else... there's not a lot you can do about it, so do what you want to when you want to it and if you're doing something you don't want to be doing, it's not worth wasting time on.

Does Pepsi Max even still exist?

This one was really good! hehe! :lol: :lol:

But... Dunno what you may think about that but it seems in some cases if you want to survive then, if time refuses to give you the answers you have to keel your mind... And the less stamina patience and mental strength you have the sooner you make that real...

I still dunno how I'll react in the end if I dont live my life as I wanted or I dont get my replies soon... I still feel strong but it's not gonna be forever... I'm one step beyond... :p

But a late night conversation with a friend really upset me yesterday! Hmm one of the things she said when we finished was that... "God is going to punish you for your ideas and for your arogance" Is it that bad searching? Acording to her time will left me behind because I dont wanna get familiar with "those very average things and persons" that she is... I dont wanna live her life and those people's lives. I have mine and I want to live it well...At least as much well as I can...

Duh! Still talking nonsence eh? :D I'm just in that mood lately...:deb: :loco:
Hey, Angelwitch, I wanna give answers but I have more questions, I'm afraid... I'm guessing we're dealing with a language barrier here...

"keel your mind, "make that real", "get my replies soon", "one step beyond", and "bad searching"?

What is "keel" supposed to mean, make what real, get what replies, one step beyond what, and what does "bad searching" mean?

As for the notion of God punishing you, I wouldn't worry about that myself, I'm pretty damn sure God doesn't exist (and even if he does, I'm also pretty sure he doesn't punish). You shouldn't get familiar with average people and things - the average person is stupid, and average things suck. That's the whole point of average - they're mediocre. It's NOT living the life of the average that allows you to take advantage of the tiime you have... "the average" is a consensus of people and ideas that AREN'T YOU and don't you what YOU would consider living life to the fullest. Finally, you never do know what will happen - that's one of the joys of existence, it's spontinaity. Every day is different than the previous one.

Do what you want to do, be all that you are, and don't conform to anybody's ideals.
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn

As for the notion of God punishing you, I wouldn't worry about that myself, I'm pretty damn sure God doesn't exist (and even if he does, I'm also pretty sure he doesn't punish).


Chris, give yourself a break and leave these thoughts aside for some time. Stop talking to people who search for a stereotype in everything they see; these people seem to be so confident of their knowledge that they even tend to standardize God! All these people who accuse you of arrogance are "master arrogants" themselves, and the best they have in store for you is confusion. Just do not dive deeper into thought or else you'll lose the moment. Too much search for meaning is dangerous in that it may destroy the meaning you've already got in hand. You're loonie enough as you are, and we like you that way ;)
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
Hey, Angelwitch, I wanna give answers but I have more questions, I'm afraid... I'm guessing we're dealing with a language barrier here...

"keel your mind, "make that real", "get my replies soon", "one step beyond", and "bad searching"?

What is "keel" supposed to mean, make what real, get what replies, one step beyond what, and what does "bad searching" mean?

As for the notion of God punishing you, I wouldn't worry about that myself, I'm pretty damn sure God doesn't exist (and even if he does, I'm also pretty sure he doesn't punish). You shouldn't get familiar with average people and things - the average person is stupid, and average things suck. That's the whole point of average - they're mediocre. It's NOT living the life of the average that allows you to take advantage of the tiime you have... "the average" is a consensus of people and ideas that AREN'T YOU and don't you what YOU would consider living life to the fullest. Finally, you never do know what will happen - that's one of the joys of existence, it's spontinaity. Every day is different than the previous one.

Do what you want to do, be all that you are, and don't conform to anybody's ideals.

I wanted to write kill your mind... dunnowhy I wrote like that... Due to things I had in mind maybe... the other meant to make sth happen, hmm get my replies soon to find the answers to my questions... and bad searching I mean looking for things that doesnt worth it or have lost my way...

Sorry for upseting you with my english I just wrote down the greek expressions in english words... It hapens sometimes as english is not my language...

About that average things ya know those people, that friend of mine thinks she lives her life in maximum... She 's getting laid almost with any guy she finds she's getting drunk and such stuff.. and she's planing when the years pass to find an average man like her to put up with him the rest of her life to bear kids and not to be alone... The pathetic thing is that she's convinced that this is the life that all the young people should have...
I just want to live my life in maximum in my own way and not as all the young people nowadays not only from here but from other countries as well are supposed to live...

IMO this is a waste of time. When you do things just to... "forget" the reality and be so immoral some people see it like a thing of being modern of being fashionable and a kind of revolution and liberalism... Too bad that their dream has to finish in such a terrible way and they are convised that it has too... And they also convinsed that a person that doesnt join em will be even more miserable...

It happens to have my own ideals btw! ;)

btw, I'm not an atheist I believe in sth that is above people, dunno what is really that but I really hate it when others mix god or anything else divine or human that is not related with what I talk about at that time...