South Park !

The movie is absolutely one of my favorite movies ever. I think it holds the Guiness record for most profanities in a film. And the Maury and Lord of the Rings episodes are my other two favorites. "I run with 12 gangs, and we only commit hatecrimes!"
Have you seen the real muary povich show.

I have it on cable.

There was one episode how there really was a guy with no face ! The scariest thing Ive ever seen.
The Yngster said:
The movie is absolutely one of my favorite movies ever. I think it holds the Guiness record for most profanities in a film. And the Maury and Lord of the Rings episodes are my other two favorites. "I run with 12 gangs, and we only commit hatecrimes!"

"Whateva. I killed nine baby seals with my bare hands! Whatever, I do what I want!"
One of the episodes that made me laugh the most, because I'm so immature, is the one where the town realizes that if you cram food up your ass you'll crap out your mouth. Watching Martha Stewart shove an entire turkey up her ass was hi-larious.
The NAMBLA episode has another great potty humour bit. After Kenny gives his dad all those abortion pills and he breaks his nose somehow (I forget how), he rushes to a garbage can so he can spray diarrhea, throw up, and have his nose bleed into it. I had trouble breathing after laughing at that part. :)
you guys, are my best friesds, friends to the end friends to the end" ~ Evil Cartman from a parralell universe
I also liked the very first Timmy Episode, where the guy reads the kids that book and when he's done they are all asleep. "Oh my God, these kids all have ADD! Ritalin for everyone" Classic.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
You used to like me.

Ohhhhhhh, I thought you had a crush on "Sir" Allen

LIKE is not the same as WORSHIP, you little... person. :p
I like most people, until they behave like ass holes, and what you wrote was pretty immature. That's proof of what South Park is doing to people! I just expressed my opinion, that's all.

Oh, and by the way, I dislike it even more now.
Oh Macy, Macy, Macy, Macy, no, no ,no

When I said Fuck this and that, I was meaning it as a joke. Like what Kile would say on the very first Episode (the one how cartman get a anal probe out of his ass with the UFO's and stuff)
I know and if you would have read my earlier post you'd seen it said:

"But if it was meant as a stupid immature South Park-type joke, I forgive you as you have a bad sense of humour and these kinds of jokes go with it."

Friends? :Saint: