South Park !

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
Doesnt South Park RULE!!!

I love it. Particularly the new episodes (with Butters!:loco:)

Alot of you probably think its stupid or juvenile or immiture. But I dont care.

But for those who like it.

What do you think was the funniest episode?

For me? The one how butters gets kicked out of the "friendship" group with cartman, kile and stan. And then he eels like a out cast and decides to become "Captain Chaos" and wants to destroy the world. And then Erick, Stan and Kile have the search for the new friend and it becomes like a reality tv show rip-off. Than was so funny!
South Park rules!!! Oh man the new season is so great! Except for the 100th episode, I was a little disappointed with it. My favorite episode is the "Simpsons Did It" episode, where Eric becomes God of a miniature society of seapeople.
Yeah, The movie is also great.

What about the one how Jimmy sings That christmas charoll "On th th the s s sev sev seventh d d d day day ...."

I actually have heard rumors that the second movies coming out.!! I hope they're true
South Park is great. Who cares if its considered childish/immature. As much as I like South Park however, Simpsons will always be the greatest cartoon EVER! The have the best writing team around.
South Park sucks. OK, I'm into immature jokes but this is just plain stupid. I've seen the movie and a couple of episodes (my boyfriend forced me to) and I laughed a maximum of three times. :Smug:

There seem to be a lot of people who like it, but I'm going to have to say 'no thank you'.
Fuck you, you mother fucking bitch of a uncle fucker.Go and Fuck yourself with your fucking boyfried and fuck off!
I think the newer southpark episodes are better than the older ones. Mostly because I think the shock of 8 year olds cursing on TV has worn off, so they have to come up with better stuff to make it funny. The latest one with cartman making the handpuppet "hhheeeccchhhennifer hhhhhhhlopez" was just too much ("I like tacos and burritos!!")

BTW - what happened when Dio was on?
I liked the one where they attach the balls onto Butters chin so that he can go on the Maury show. "whueva whueva, I do wuh I want... I ran for congress and won!! then I had sex with an intern and killed her... whueva whueva!!"
Yeah that was cool.

What about the one where they say shit heaps of times. And the knights come and everything.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Fuck you, you mother fucking bitch of a uncle fucker.Go and Fuck yourself with your fucking boyfried and fuck off!

You're talking to me!?

What happened to respecting other people's opinions? :Smug:
When I think about it, it WAS a personal attack:

fucking bitch = ME
Fuck yourself = meaning ME
your fucking boyfried = MY boyfriend
fuck off = directed towards ME

I don't think I like you anymore. But if it was meant as a stupid immature South Park-type joke, I forgive you as you have a bad sense of humour and these kinds of jokes go with it. :p
yeah, dio was on the one with the homeschooled kids and the spelling bee... that was funny. I think that was the phonics monkey too.... Anyway, the best one is "not without my anus" (the terrance and phillip episode between the cartman's mom saga). That was hillarious. "oh no, not sally!! who's sally?"