
Originally posted by IRoN

Chris, give yourself a break and leave these thoughts aside for some time. Stop talking to people who search for a stereotype in everything they see; these people seem to be so confident of their knowledge that they even tend to standardize God! All these people who accuse you of arrogance are "master arrogants" themselves, and the best they have in store for you is confusion. Just do not dive deeper into thought or else you'll lose the moment. Too much search for meaning is dangerous in that it may destroy the meaning you've already got in hand. You're loonie enough as you are, and we like you that way ;)

Maybe I'm obsessed oops! Dunno!...
I think most people have stereotypes. Me too. But I'm denying em in a conversation to try to understand better the others. What the other believe is not necessarily what I believe... But with that attitude i roll over other people and yes in the end I confuse em and i get confused myself...
Thinking is existence Umut, I live the moment when I think I feel... And I'm trying not to waste it...

You know i'm a completely different person since I broke up with your fellow! It was a way to see the things under a diferent view and my stereotypes were smashed. If I insisted on seeing the things under the same way I would probably been a such a desperate person maybe 6 feet under or didnt deserve to live... But I still have black pages but now I'm generally a happy person trying to live her life face the things and not escaping from the situations...I think in other to solve the problems and carry on. Hmm no matter if i carry the bb with weird thoughts sometimes...It's not of my attitude to stay back and cry for the mistakes i've done, for the bad luck I had or the pain i've got. Changing and facing the problem is a way to survive...
I dont think that you live the moment by trasfering the problems for later and living in a kind of a fake paradice if it's what you might mean by that...

I'm a loonie! :deb: ::grin: I've expected to hear that! :p
Well I know that some of you like me! That's why I'm still here! :)
Maybe I cant make everbody like me but at least I know that some of you do! ;) And I like you too!
Originally posted by Angelwitch

I dont think that you live the moment by trasfering the problems for later and living in a kind of a fake paradice if it's what you might mean by that...

No that's certainly not what I meant. I tried to tell you that there's the danger of losing the moment (if not your entire reasoning), when you dive too deep into problems and live in a kind of artificial hell.
Originally posted by IRoN

No that's certainly not what I meant. I tried to tell you that there's the danger of losing the moment (if not your entire reasoning), when you dive too deep into problems and live in a kind of artificial hell.

Hmm dont worry I dont do that! I dont intent to make my life a living hell by thinking too much of my problems...
Besides the way I think of them is mainly the way to find a solution to them if and when i can or finding other alternative ways... :)