Bambi said:
I think ppl are missing the point of the original post. take a look at the effect the Beatles, the stones. the sex pistols etc had on the popular culture of their time.
aye, the thing was, they could still shock ppl with their attitudes. everyting you see now wanting to rebel is customized and ready for mass-consuming. like nowadays it's
cool to be 'off yer tits' and step away from the ordinary, cos everyone does it.. :Smug: theres nothing special abou things if its not original or the lot doing the same thing as you do
like Britney for instance - fuck all she is rebellious and innocent

its all shaped up for us to think she's reallly like she is... the werld hasnt changed a bit wanting to be gods - lokking up to ppl who camouflaged theirselves with and empty mask of somekind of divinity...
since there so much of everything, you can actually pick what u want, tho not many ppl will know of its existence. that keeps things intimate and special. most of
these artists tend to question things that have changed; basically the whole of the industry has changed 90 or more degrees if u ask me cos most artists that remained actually did their own thing and couldnt give a toss about commerce.
thats the thing. bands tend to lose their quality or adrift from their essence cos they 'made it'. most creative people are born in poor circumstances, and seem to geniunly express their thoughts and feelings about issues like.
(timeless) music has changed much cos of mass-satisfaction and mental passiveness.
oh and what reallly gets me off is that constant urge for retro-stuff..
every bozo with a touch for music thinks he can go back to the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and hit one...

when's it gonna stop? we almost reached the point where we gonna repeat what we did yesterday

like there's nothing properly
new we can come up with