Timo Tolkki Speaks!!! Why? I have NO IDEA!!!???


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Mar 29, 2003
Sigh........hmmmm.....I just read on Blabbermouth that Timo Tolkki, Miss K., and Jari sat down and were interviewed. I thought "Great" I can finally read for myself with no jaded view for myself what he has to say. I was sort of miffed with the backlash from the board in response to the band members dismissal. My reason was simple, I wanted to hear from Tolkki himself before passing ANY judgement. I will say this now, you guys were right. What a self absorbed, MEGA F&^%ing therapy needing ASS!!!! I mean Jesus Christ even a child knows you don't act like that when you're being interviewed. If you are drunk postpone the damn interview!!!!And what really makes me wonder is Tolkkis' assistant was there so people knew he was trashed but let him open his mouth anyway. Poor Miss K., trapped in the middle of this train wreck moving at 1000MPH heading right for a brick wall. But alas I have to admit that I will be definitely be checking out their next disc as Elements Part 2 was a great disc even though Part1 blew chunks. Please check out the interview via the link below and see for yourself!!!

Man...I don't even have the energy to poke fun at it...just so sad...what a sad joke this is all becoming...and the more they TRY to play it out in the media...it just gets more stupid.

The next Strato album, if it ever sees the light of day, will be very interesting, I think...
The way I see all this is that he is sparking an interest in their next album, whether it be positive or negative. It seems like it has become a reality show in which you have to watch just to see what will happen next. I don't blame people/fans for being turned off, but I think most people would agree they will be interested in what will follow from the band. If you were a Strat fan, you can't deny that you are curious about the next album with this chick singing. Who knows, Tolkki may blow us all away. To me, the music speaks for itself; I could care less how he acts in an interview, etc... If the new material kicks ass, I will continue to support them as they are one of my favorite bands. Time will tell....
This absolutely sickens me-- I can't believe the whole thing-- Is anybody thinking about making the trek over to Europe to see the last few gigs from Timo? I was thinking about it, but after that interview, I think I will stick to my CD's
And what was the point of posting this interview on their site? It just made him look worse. As for the new album, which won't be out until 2005 :zzz: , I don't know what to expect. Tolkki seemed to have run out of good ideas after Infinite. The Elements CDs were good, but they had a couple of very boring songs in them.

On the other hand, there's Kotipelto's new solo album coming out this year. Now that's a CD I wanna hear! :hotjump:
My God that's the biggest cluster-f' of a band i've ever seen - more dysfunctional than Tina and Ike! :lol: I mean, this MissK, while the image she is trying to throw out there seems weird to me compared to what everyone associates with stratovarius, she could be outstanding. The next album could shut everybody up. It could also never ever materialize - all three of them sound nuts to me. In the end I just want good music out of 'em but hey - they posted this trainwreck on their site, so who can they blame for talking about it?
You will note that since this whole thing exploded, this forum has had at least twenty times the discussion and buzz over Stratovarius that it usually does. I believe that in this regard, whatever Timo Tolkki was trying to do has worked, to at least some extent. Especially in keeping with the Frank Zappa (among many others) philosophy that there is no such thing as bad publicity in the music industry.

And bearing this in mind, this latest interview looks like an obvious manufactured (and apparently successful, from this thread) attempt to ruffle people's feathers and generate yet more discussion and more of a "what the hell's gonna happen?" factor for the band's future and next album.

It will definitely cause some speculation, but since we seem to be discussing his mental state more than his music, I don't think his antics will have any positive impact upon them...but at least the discussion of the bizarre turn of events Timo's band has taken has been more interesting than their albums.
I guess the point I was making in starting this thread was that Tolkki is an idiot for doing that unterview. If the next album sucks wind that will probably be the end of Stratovarius. With all of Tolkkis issues this pressure he's making for himself may prove to be his downfall.
If that interview is real, as in it happened EXACTLY like it seems then Tolkki and the journalist should feel like shit, because that is absolutley one of the worst interviews I have ever seen. Worse than Explicitly Intense if you can believe that. I would never stoop that low as a journalist, I'd just say "fuck this, this interview is done. Youre drunk and retarded and are making a complete ass of yourself" I mean holy christ that last statement almost makes me wish I never got into Stratovarius so long ago. And I LOVED them!! Shameful.

OK...just to add to the soap opera, here's the latest post from the Strato website...

Timo Tolkki will be a guest on a finnish talk-show "Harakanpesä" on this friday at 21:00 (GMT+2). The show is on TV2-channel.

Due to very hostile reaction towards Miss K she has decided not to give any interviews for the time being.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ladies and gentlemen, Miss K has now gone into hiding! And she won't be coming out until people start being nice to her!

Maybe she's seeking therapy and medication from Timo's doctor...after all...look at all the good it did him.

Just hilarious...if this is all a publicity stunt...it's working...