Tiny Terror, Mesa 4x12, SSD3.5


Jan 23, 2008
Trying out my new Tiny Terror and got to say I love this amp! Found it on thegearpage.com cheap with the Jule Mod.
Epi Les Paul ==>Modded TS9 ==>TT ==>Mesa 4x12 ==>57.

Also trying to get a balanced SSD3.5 kit most of my problems with SSD are the cymbals but I think these sound pretty natural now.
Sorry for the sloppy playing, let me know what you think

Oh, and the bass sounds pretty badass too, details on that por favor? :D And what's this Jule mod you speak of?
Mix is pretty cool, but the tone is a little bit on the poor side IMO. It has that standard TT sort of mid honk. I'm not sure how well the amp takes EQ, but it definitely needs some cutting in that 600 to 800hz region.
FUCK YES :headbang::headbang::headbang: Where did you have the tone knob set to? (in o'clock, I guess)

Glad you like it, i think we like similar guitar tones as far as were the mids sit. Ive struggled with many guitar amps and sims trying to find a sound I really like and the only other amp that I'm pleased with is my JCM 800 2210 but its slowly dying. Ive had good luck with triple recs as well, but their so finicky. The Jule Mod is here and I can tell you there is a big difference.

Anyways here are the settings.

Drive 9 o'clock, Tone 11:30, Level 1 o'clock

12watt mode, Volume 12 o'clock, Tone 1:30, Gain 3 o'clock

and my EMG 81's are modded to 18V
Mix is pretty cool, but the tone is a little bit on the poor side IMO. It has that standard TT sort of mid honk. I'm not sure how well the amp takes EQ, but it definitely needs some cutting in that 600 to 800hz region.

Glad you like the mix, its just a test for now but I think it all works together pretty well. The guitars do sound a little weird when soloed but im not too worried. It defiantly has that character honk that the TT does but dont know kinda like it :D
Tried scooping some at the 800-600 area but it just didnt sound right to me, gets too scooped sounding for my tastes. How are the drums sounding, cymbals mainly, still trying to get those right.
Oh, and the bass sounds pretty badass too, details on that por favor? :D And what's this Jule mod you speak of?

Bass was a shitty peavey foundation that has seen better days! Ran that through Podfarm and some post processing. Ive got a sweet schecter custom (with active PU's) but the peavey records so much better. Active electronics on basses sound like shit to me, gotta get those out of the schecter and in the trash! Ill try and post the preset soon if anyone wants it but it only works for C tuning, all other tuning sound like butt with it.
That bass sound is insane
And the mid honk is making the guitars stick out a little bit, but I actually sort of like the character.
That bass tone = :O. Can you give some more details on it please? Also loving the bass drum sound. So much ooomph. I think the guitars are a bit on the high end side but it works for the mix I think anyway in my nooob opinion.
That bass sound is insane
And the mid honk is making the guitars stick out a little bit, but I actually sort of like the character.

Yeah, it's not perfect, but it really is the character of the amp IMO, so I didn't bother mentioning it (and also cuz I have such a soft spot for that amp :headbang: ) I usually ran the tone knob at around 12:30 though, FWIW...
That bass tone = :O. Can you give some more details on it please? Also loving the bass drum sound. So much ooomph. I think the guitars are a bit on the high end side but it works for the mix I think anyway in my nooob opinion.

Here is the my bass tone

After that I limited it about 5-6db, Eq'd it, then ran Rbass for a little subsonics. Let me know how it works for you.
Yeah, it's not perfect, but it really is the character of the amp IMO, so I didn't bother mentioning it (and also cuz I have such a soft spot for that amp :headbang: ) I usually ran the tone knob at around 12:30 though, FWIW...

In case your wondering here are your HD DI's ran through it!
TT Holy Diver
These were ran through my friends stock TT which is what convinced me to buy it in the first place....so big thanks for sharing those! Anyone know of any other low watt tube amps like this but with a more modern voicing? I tried the Krank RevJr Pro and wanted to like it but it has a terrible noise floor. Ive read other peoples posts complaining of this.
Wow, the bass tone is outstanding! I've tried to get something like that for months and I fail miserably. Gotta try your patch... thx dude!