Tiny Terror --> Mesa Stiletto test, this thing rules!!


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, here's my first test of my new Orange Tiny Terror! The chain was ESP EC-400 w/ EMG 81 in the bridge --> Ibanez TS7 (Drive 9:00, Tone 10:30, Level 11:30) --> Tiny Terror (7 watt mode, Tone 12:30, Gain 2:30) --> Mesa Stiletto 4x12 --> SM57 --> Mackie Onyx Satellite. I'm really happy with it - it's perhaps a bit fizzy, but this is with ZERO eq and only the most basic mic position fumbling, so I know that'll be easy to tame! Check it out in the soundclick player on my myspace in my sig!
Oh, and I slapped Voxengo Elephant on the master bus, though I now think I hear just the slightest amount of pumping - oh well, you'll deal :)
Yeah, I agree it could use a cut at around 1k now that I listen to it again, though I definitely wouldn't want any more gain in there, cuz my cutoff point is to turn the gain up and stop right when I get some saturated fizz on the palm mutes (which I think this has, the second riff with all those palm-muted low-C pedal tones was my reference), so any more would just make it messier IMO. Thanks guys, I'll do some eq'ing and post that up later tonight!
Oh, and needless to say, IMO this is still better than I was EVER able to get from my JSX in the year and a half that I had it :)
Nice clip! There's definitely some british bark going on there. How powerful is that tone knobby? Is it just cutting boosting the mids or is there more mojo to it?
My personal preference would say that this is way too middy and undergained, but as this is obviously what you were going for, I'd say this is a pretty damn good representation of that sorta medium gain, mids cranked NWOBHM sound.
But yeah, there's some honk there, a cut at 1k will solve as you said.
OK, tomorrow I'll record some more clips with moar gain - honestly, I'm really surprised to hear some of you guys say that, I've been flamed before for asking...certain people to increase the gain, so I thought I was on the more liberal side of that fence. Anyway, I did some eq'ing that I think helped A LOT (5 db cut at ~900, 1 db boost at ~4k) - check it out at the same place! (myspace in sig, I left the original up to compare with).

Also, I think some of the cloudiness in the mids comes from me not having the mic close enough to the dustcap, so I'll mess around with that too. And Slash, the tone knob to my ears really just seems to control the amount of treble in there; I'm not certain, but it sounds like a passive control that just rolls off the highs the more you turn it down (like a guitar tone knob), but I could be totally off on that...I know that's how the 5150's controls work, though (all passive, except maybe pres. and/or res.)
Theres some nice growl in there, but overall sounds tiny and pissed off. I guess the name fits :lol:

Very keen to hear what you can do with it after some more time with it!
Kinda honky on the first clip, awesome on the EQ'd one :kickass:

DO you mind posting a clip of it without anything boosting it ?