Tips for a first time attendee

Woooot a newbie!!!

I can say that you might want to pace yourself. The days are long and the nights are longer :kickass:

You will have a great time though, gauranteed!!!
Bear said:
Woooot a newbie!!!

I can say that you might want to pace yourself. The days are long and the nights are longer :kickass:

You will have a great time though, gauranteed!!!

I've heard lots of stories lol. I know I'm going to have a blast. I'm really looking forward to meeting all the wonderful people I've been working with over the last year too - more than seeing the great bands (but not much) lol.

Thank you!!!
Eat a big meal before you go so that will substain you until 1am when you will need to eat yet again.
Depending on what hotel your at, and how much you enjoy a lot of drinking ;), you might wanna stock up on some food before you go to the show so you have somethign to eat when you get back after the show. Coming back to your room and having a nice sandwich from Subway waiting in the fridge is wonderful.

As bear said, pace yourself. It's a long time spent standing (unless you're lucky and get a seat) and rocking out, can wear ya out quickly.

For a lot of people it's more about the friends than the music, the music is just a very killer bonus. So there's always people hanging out in the gathering area while the bands are playing.

Also keep in mind that if you're the type that wants to get autographs from bands, you WILL miss parts of other bands performances due to the signing sessions overlapping the performances, and the waiting in line.

When you first get in the 2nd door there's a goodie bag waiting for everyone, be sure to grab one. Lots of cool stuff in there.

Most of all, have fun, and talk to everyone!! We're all pretty good people and are all there for the same reason... To take a picture with Bear. ;)
Michael TEOF said:
I would actually recommending NOT eating a big meal... if you plan on drinking.

The Michael

LOL, I have a few friends offering to buy me a beer while I'm there. I'm thinking I'm probably in trouble since I'm lightweight to begin with lol. I never drink too much though ;). :kickass:
longshot9 said:
Depending on what hotel your at, and how much you enjoy a lot of drinking ;), you might wanna stock up on some food before you go to the show so you have somethign to eat when you get back after the show. Coming back to your room and having a nice sandwich from Subway waiting in the fridge is wonderful.

As bear said, pace yourself. It's a long time spent standing (unless you're lucky and get a seat) and rocking out, can wear ya out quickly.

For a lot of people it's more about the friends than the music, the music is just a very killer bonus. So there's always people hanging out in the gathering area while the bands are playing.

Also keep in mind that if you're the type that wants to get autographs from bands, you WILL miss parts of other bands performances due to the signing sessions overlapping the performances, and the waiting in line.

When you first get in the 2nd door there's a goodie bag waiting for everyone, be sure to grab one. Lots of cool stuff in there.

Most of all, have fun, and talk to everyone!! We're all pretty good people and are all there for the same reason... To take a picture with Bear. ;)

Wonderful tips John, thank you so much. Hopefully we'll get to meet as well.
ProgmetalAngel said:
This year will be my first trip to Progpower and I can't tell you how excited I am!! :headbang: :)

Does anyone have any tips for me?

Thank you ;).

Yep - party with the crew ! lol :saint: :kickass:
Nah - seriuosly - Welcome aboard ! MANY cool folks at this fest, bands are fully accessible, and get ready for some late nights and legendary parties. :puke: :zombie:
ProgmetalAngel said:
LOL, I have a few friends offering to buy me a beer while I'm there. I'm thinking I'm probably in trouble since I'm lightweight to begin with lol. I never drink too much though ;). :kickass:

Ask for your beer to be one of the "root" variety. :)

I, too, am a member of the "doesn't drink too much" club... I often wonder how much stuff I wouldn't remember from ProgPowers past if I was a huge drinker. :lol:
oops, I forgot... more tips:

Be careful on the stairs! I can't stress this enough.

If you have a refrigerator, it may certainly be a good idea to buy some food for late at night, because there is only one(?) 24-hour restaurant anywhere within walking distance, and that's the Chinese Buddha, and there's a chance that it won't be accessible this year due to the construction on 14th st. If you have a vehicle, there are several all-night diners within about five miles of the venue.

Moshing is prohibited on the floor. However, it is encouraged in the vendor room, especially in front of Ken Golden's table.

If you plan to sit inside the venue, make sure you bring a pizza crust to save your seat. Fake vomit also works.
Excellent plan John.. Couldn't have said it better myself..Can't wait to see you guys.. :headbang:

longshot9 said:
Depending on what hotel your at, and how much you enjoy a lot of drinking ;), you might wanna stock up on some food before you go to the show so you have somethign to eat when you get back after the show. Coming back to your room and having a nice sandwich from Subway waiting in the fridge is wonderful.

As bear said, pace yourself. It's a long time spent standing (unless you're lucky and get a seat) and rocking out, can wear ya out quickly.

For a lot of people it's more about the friends than the music, the music is just a very killer bonus. So there's always people hanging out in the gathering area while the bands are playing.

Also keep in mind that if you're the type that wants to get autographs from bands, you WILL miss parts of other bands performances due to the signing sessions overlapping the performances, and the waiting in line.

When you first get in the 2nd door there's a goodie bag waiting for everyone, be sure to grab one. Lots of cool stuff in there.

Most of all, have fun, and talk to everyone!! We're all pretty good people and are all there for the same reason... To take a picture with Bear. ;)
longshot9 said:
Depending on what hotel your at, and how much you enjoy a lot of drinking ;), you might wanna stock up on some food before you go to the show so you have somethign to eat when you get back after the show. Coming back to your room and having a nice sandwich from Subway waiting in the fridge is wonderful.

As bear said, pace yourself. It's a long time spent standing (unless you're lucky and get a seat) and rocking out, can wear ya out quickly.

For a lot of people it's more about the friends than the music, the music is just a very killer bonus. So there's always people hanging out in the gathering area while the bands are playing.

Also keep in mind that if you're the type that wants to get autographs from bands, you WILL miss parts of other bands performances due to the signing sessions overlapping the performances, and the waiting in line.

When you first get in the 2nd door there's a goodie bag waiting for everyone, be sure to grab one. Lots of cool stuff in there.

Most of all, have fun, and talk to everyone!! We're all pretty good people and are all there for the same reason... To take a picture with Bear. ;)

Listen to this man, he know of what he speaks LOL:worship:

Hey KRIS!!! WASUUUUUP!! :loco:

Just have fun, It's so well run that you don't really have to think too much. I always find that I don't eat enough or drink enough water. It's a marathon with luncheon parties, hotel parties, the show and then there's always all kinds of after parties that are tempting. This year I'll make sure I am fully recouped before I start it up again the next day and eating and drinking the agua helps the next day... That also means getting enough sleep. last year I was working on a couple hours each night... Not enough... As far as seeing the bands it's a no brainer there really is no problem finding a good position to see the bands.
And just stay away from happy Jagermeister shot drinking people!! They are deadly!! :lol: haha!!:headbang: :kickass:

Look forward to meeting you
