Tips for a first time attendee

13ShadesofGray said:
You are, unfortunately, correct Michael. Just gonna take it slow, make sure I get enough sleep and eat at least something a few hours before arrival... and NO Jaeger. lol My lord, I'm not ever going to live that down, am I? heheh

I'll slap you if I think you're drinking too much again.
13ShadesofGray said:
I hereby solemnly swear to pace myself (to a certain extent :p )

Lordy, I have to redeem myself this year! Buzzed and acting happily goofy? Yep. Wanked out of my skull? HELL no!!

I'll take up the slack :kickass:
I think this year I'll try to pause the action between 6AM and Noon! haha!! That should take care of it.

Oh hey Bear, maybe this year we should go without the whiskey out of a plastic bottle at 4AM after the preparty eh? :lol: :kickass: :lol: :loco: :loco: :loco:
I just want to know who was the metal warrior hanging with Bear outside my room at Powerfest at 6:00 arguing who needed the least amount of sleep to carry on. :kickass: Fingerprints on the Yukon Jack bottle I tripped over the next day may have offered enlightenment. Too bad I left my Forensics-For-Everyone kit at home. :lol:
SharkBlack said:
I think this year I'll try to pause the action between 6AM and Noon! haha!! That should take care of it.

Oh hey Bear, maybe this year we should go without the whiskey out of a plastic bottle at 4AM after the preparty eh? :lol: :kickass: :lol: :loco: :loco: :loco:

Cmon man - only the finest of whiskeys is even available in plastic bottles - how could you suggest depriving yourself of that pleasure. It's METAL:headbang:

That said - my liver is in recovery from my week of ProgPower training in Cancun, I'll give it a couple of days of lite workouts and then see if I can come close to those totals again. If you figured paying $2 per Corona (Margarita, blue windex looking stuff etc) which wouldnt be a bad bar price- my week in Mexico was free. Yep, drank that freaking much - but hey - I have to be in shape for PP. I'll be getting to hang with one of my best friends ever - who never takes vacations - and now that we've been to one PP - this is an annual pilgrimage - and after the pre-pre party hangover I had last year, I wasnt gonna make that mistake again :)

Here's to whiskey in plastic bottles - until they put it in METAL, they way it should be :kickass:

Stardust2112 said:
Well, I'm from the Bronx, so if we catch any of these f**kers, give them to me. I can go from zero to Sonny Corleone in 0.6 seconds. :lol:

Just make sure you stay away from tollbooths.
Stealing wallets out of back pockets? Heh anyone attempts that on me, they can plan on eating a whole lot of teeth. I do not tolerate that shit at all.
SharkBlack said:
I think this year I'll try to pause the action between 6AM and Noon! haha!! That should take care of it.

Oh hey Bear, maybe this year we should go without the whiskey out of a plastic bottle at 4AM after the preparty eh? :lol: :kickass: :lol: :loco: :loco: :loco:

shhhhhhhhhhhh that never happened, whatcha talkin bout willis :puke::erk::kickass::saint:
From what I've heard, DON'T eat any of MTEOF "cooked goods" either, especially under the auspiciousness of "breakfast for champions"... you might not make it to the rest of the show with your gastro-intestinal system intact.

Of course, that's just what I've HEARD...

Michael TEOF said:
I would actually recommending NOT eating a big meal... if you plan on drinking.

The Michael