Tips for a first time attendee

Honestly, based on the performance 2 years ago and soundclips. That's why I'm going to watch them again. I like all clean vocals...if they've toned down the death stuff then I might be leaving with a Mercenary CD yet. I've heard the song 11 Dreams and thought it was decent.
Heavenly Call said:
Honestly, based on the performance 2 years ago and soundclips. That's why I'm going to watch them again. I like all clean vocals...if they've toned down the death stuff then I might be leaving with a Mercenary CD yet. I've heard the song 11 Dreams and thought it was decent.

I also prefer clean vocals to screams/growls, but I have to say that Mercenary have made quite a spectacular album with The Hours That Remain. There are some 'death metal' vocals on the record, but Mikkel sings clean for the majority of the disc. I'm very much looking forward to seeing them.
Mercenary will be AWESOME!! They were awesome at PP IV and thet will slay again. I guarantee they will be one of rhe highlights of the weekend. Do not miss their set.
I predict Mercenary to be best of show when the dust settles. Even without the help of a string section or all stars.

Heavenly Call, there are very few growls on "The Hours That Remain." I also much prefer clean vocals though I have a tolerance for Death Vocals when they're mixed in à la Gothenburg styled bands, and other than that I expect we'd share a common musical taste. That said, "11 Dreams" is probably going to be my "Most Metal Album Of All Time" until something truely extraordinary comes along. That knocks Painkiller out of the top spot.

Listen to Firesoul which is mostly typical of songs on 11 Dreams. If you like that you'll like 80% of the CD. Most of the extreme vocals on "11 Dreams" are high pitched screams rather than growls.

"The Hours" is probably a safer bet for you, but in comparison to "11 Dreams" it's like a declawed wildcat. It's still a wildcat. It still has fangs. But....
Magius said:
I predict Mercenary to be best of show when the dust settles. Even without the help of a string section or all stars.

Listen to Firesoul which is mostly typical of songs on 11 Dreams. If you like that you'll like 80% of the CD. Most of the extreme vocals on "11 Dreams" are high pitched screams rather than growls.

"The Hours" is probably a safer bet for you, but in comparison to "11 Dreams" it's like a declawed wildcat. It's still a wildcat. It still has fangs. But....

Firesoul is such an awesome song, complete in every facet. The female bridge is great too :headbang:

All of the vocal arrangements in Mercenary are amazing.

The Hours is now starting to really grow on me, 11 Dreams is a monster. :zombie:
And from what I remember the last time I saw them at progpower, they bring it live! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Actually, after watching the DVD with Mercenary's new album - I miss Kral even more. While Mikkel sings good in the studio - and the new album is great - I didn't really like Mikkel's voice at all during the two shows on the DVD.

It seemed like he was struggling to hit notes, and then singing weird when he had to do the clean parts. Hopefully this new bass player fills the gap of Kral's voice! I want it to be awesome!
Hit the ATM early if you have to use the one at the venue. I'll second the 'choose your shoes carefully' and 'bring earplugs' suggestions, too, and add that the temperatures can swing from real warm to somewhat cool depending on where you are in the venue, so dress accordingly. And definitely watch the steps inside leading down to the floor, many a person has bitten the dust upon them.
My suggestions:

1. BRING CASH! TONS OF IT! In the room just off to the left where you enter the venue, there are TONS of CDs for sale. You do NOT want to miss it! I think I spent $200 there. My friend spent $500. Its awesome! No need to go on Amazon or elsewhere to find ProgPower CDs. If I remember correctly, Nuclear Blast and Century Media (the biggest metal labels) were there selling directly! No middle man! But many of these vendors DO NOT take plastic. Good old American cash works well here. :)

2. EAT EARLY! Getting a meal at the venue is a pain in the ass! You can order chicken strips and hamburgers at the bar (same place as the CD sales) but they are expensive and SLOW! Best bet - eat before you go. Or have some food in your hotel room when you get back.

3. TAKE MASS TRANSIT! If you're flying in, take the MARTA rail system. It works well. Hopefully this year they've done all their track repairs and you'll actually be able to go places relatively fast. My friend and I took it last year and it worked out well. We went all over Atlanta on it.

4. BRING EAR PLUGS! The venue is small and LOUD. My friend and I saw to the right of the stage (stage left) and it was very loud. Great seats, but in front of the speakers.

5. SLEEP BEFORE YOU GO! If you're a morning person (like me), staying up to 2 AM is somewhat difficult. Sleep before you go. Otherwise you might want to doze off during the show. I know, it seems difficult with all those decibels of hard hitting power metal, but I damn near did last year!

6. BE FRIENDLY! I never NEVER realized that prog power metal fans are so friendly! This crowd is by far the best I've ever seen at a concert. But overall these folks are nice. Be kind to your fellow metal fan!

7. BEWARE OF THE STAIRS! The whole darn venue is dark (except in the CD sales & bar area). When the bands are on stage and you leave to eat or take a whizz - be careful walking to and from your seat. I was careful, but I could have easily fallen on my ass.

If I think of any more, I'll post it here.

"Diamond Dave"
nailz said:

haha...seems almost every show i go to, some girl is rubbing my ass trying to see if I've got a wallet.

And every time I get them arrested for doing so. :p
Kaosaur said:
haha...seems almost every show i go to, some girl is rubbing my ass trying to see if I've got a wallet.

And every time I get them arrested for doing so. :p
Just tell them you keep your wallet in front...check there.
Nah - just buy a wallet made of foreskin - then when a 'new" set of hands grabs it, it turns into a suitcase, making it easy to catch the thief !! ;)
Seriously though - has there been an issue with a pickpocket?
nailz said:

Seriously? I've been to every PPUSA and this is the first I've heard. It's pretty freakin sad to think of people stealing at an event like this. Well, I'm from the Bronx, so if we catch any of these f**kers, give them to me. I can go from zero to Sonny Corleone in 0.6 seconds. :lol:

In fact, I think I'll even put that in my sig.... :)

eaeolian said:
We know not this "pacing" you speak of, we men of Division...
And you somehow always succeed in dragging me down with you...can you believe we've been drinking buddies for 12 friggin years?? :kickass: Oh my poor broken liver...

I heartily second/third/whatever the suggestion about shoe choice...although given my penchant for heels I tend to ignore the sensible (at least until Saturday when my feet threaten to go on strike). If your outfit doesn't have pockets, try to carry as light a purse as possible - those damn things get really heavy after a few hours! All the other suggestions are very good ones too, so I won't repeat them here.

Aeturnia said:
And you somehow always succeed in dragging me down with you...can you believe we've been drinking buddies for 12 friggin years?? :kickass: Oh my poor broken liver...

I heartily second/third/whatever the suggestion about shoe choice...although given my penchant for heels I tend to ignore the sensible (at least until Saturday when my feet threaten to go on strike). If your outfit doesn't have pockets, try to carry as light a purse as possible - those damn things get really heavy after a few hours! All the other suggestions are very good ones too, so I won't repeat them here.


You know whats even more scary, we have known each other for 6 years already!!! Holy shit!!!o_O Time flys!!

My liver waits in anticipation :kickass: