Tips for a first time attendee

Harvester said:
If folks were ever going to pace themselves, this is the year to do it. Evergrey & Jorn are really going to let it rip with extended sets.

Man I'm so excited I almost can't sleep already lol. Soooo looking forward to this. I will be introducing myself to everyone lol. I haven't met a stranger yet ;).

Thank you sooo much to everyone for the tips and I will definately follow all of them.

(no worries about the jager YUCK)

13ShadesofGray said:
You are, unfortunately, correct Michael. Just gonna take it slow, make sure I get enough sleep and eat at least something a few hours before arrival... and NO Jaeger. lol My lord, I'm not ever going to live that down, am I? heheh

Living it up= Never living it down!

I'm so excited to see everyone! I cannot wait! YAY YAY!

You know, I've never gotten drunk at Progpower... Not that I haven't tried.

ProgmetalAngel said:
This year will be my first trip to Progpower and I can't tell you how excited I am!! :headbang: :)

Does anyone have any tips for me?

Thank you ;).

Welcome!!!!!!!!!!! Where do u live in Texas?? I'm in Houston. There's a big contingent from Texas there. Two years ago, Magistral (from Houston via Chile) played the pre-party. Last year, Stride was on the main stage and Outworld (both from Houston) played the pre-party. This year Zero Hour (the singer is Chris from SA) is playing the main stage, while Eric Halpern from Houston is one of the guitar players with Leatherwolf, playing pre-party. There are A LOT of people coming in from Texas. Look forward to meeting you!!

Chris :headbang:
SavaVIDude said:
Welcome!!!!!!!!!!! Where do u live in Texas?? I'm in Houston. There's a big contingent from Texas there. Two years ago, Magistral (from Houston via Chile) played the pre-party. Last year, Stride was on the main stage and Outworld (both from Houston) played the pre-party. This year Zero Hour (the singer is Chris from SA) is playing the main stage, while Eric Halpern from Houston is one of the guitar players with Leatherwolf, playing pre-party. There are A LOT of people coming in from Texas. Look forward to meeting you!!

Chris :headbang:

I'm in Corpus Christi right now - soon to be Houston. I know all of the bands you spoke of. Featured most of them on my page ;). I'm actually coming with the guys from Outworld lol. I'm still trying to decide if I should be nervous about that or not lol.

Looking forward to meeting you as well Chris!!!
ProgmetalAngel said:
I'm in Corpus Christi right now - soon to be Houston. I know all of the bands you spoke of. Featured most of them on my page ;). I'm actually coming with the guys from Outworld lol. I'm still trying to decide if I should be nervous about that or not lol.

Looking forward to meeting you as well Chris!!!

Right back atcha!! Just tell Rusty - "Don't Shred on Me"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heh:

eaeolian said:
We know not this "pacing" you speak of, we men of Division...

Like your bass player has ever been drunk!
Oh, you said MEN! ;)

J-Dubya - friend of RonK, or whatever he's calling himself these days :heh:

Edit: Kris' avatar is giving me seizures! o_O Any relation to the one that calls herself "Sweet Metal Angel"? :heh:
Harvester said:
If folks were ever going to pace themselves, this is the year to do it. Evergrey & Jorn are really going to let it rip with extended sets.

Could care less about Evergrey. To me it's ALL about Saturday Night @ aproximately 11:30 PM. :headbang: I should be sobered up by then or at least riding the crest of a good but mild buzz. Jorn is gonna kick sooo much fucking ass. :headbang:
MetalRose said:
Living it up= Never living it down!

I'm so excited to see everyone! I cannot wait! YAY YAY!

You know, I've never gotten drunk at Progpower... Not that I haven't tried.


If you were within 5 feet of me at last years progpower you were drunk by osmosis... because I was stinky drunk last year. hehe!:kickass: :loco:

My friend told me at one point I was a human pachinko ball!!hehe!! No shots for me this year!!:lol:
SharkBlack said:
If you were within 5 feet of me at last years progpower you were drunk by osmosis... because I was stinky drunk last year. hehe!:kickass: :loco:

My friend told me at one point I was a human pachinko ball!!hehe!! No shots for me this year!!:lol:

I would have been drunk by osmosis by a lot of people last year... Task this year: Get Metal Drunk.

Another tip for newcomers: a lot of us respond to our posting names as well as real names so don't feel stupid or silly asking for us that way. Trust me no one will look at you odd if you ask for MetalRose, Sh0kr0k, etc..

livingwithwolves said:
Could care less about Evergrey. To me it's ALL about Saturday Night @ aproximately 11:30 PM. :headbang: I should be sobered up by then or at least riding the crest of a good but mild buzz. Jorn is gonna kick sooo much fucking ass. :headbang:

Nice attitude... Evergrey will have one of the best performances of PPUSA history, I am thinking...
^I was just going to post the same thing. A lot of these bands only ever play a set at PP. Try to catch some of every band's set. You never know who you might end up really liking and/or never get the chance to see live again.

Mary and I almost never leave the auditorium the entire weekend. I don't think anyone wants to talk to us. Well, people like to talk to Mary, anyway...:p

I would third the last two posts as well...back in my early progpower days I shunned the bands I didn't know/care about. Now I'm a huge Nightingale fan as well as Kamelot. The first time they were here though I could've cared less so I skipped out on them. STUPID STUPID. Won't be doing that again. I don't like Mercenary all that much, but I'll still be catching the first 4 or 5 songs just for verification. To each his own though! Can't wait!
Yippee38 said:
Watch a little bit of every band. Have an open mind. Sometimes the bands you don't care for turn out to be your favorite performances.
Absolutley!!! I was disinterested in Mercenary, but luckily was still around to half listen to them and they really grabbed my attention. Was a helluva performance, I became and instant fan and can't wait to hear them this year! Give every band a chance and be prepared for some great surprises! :headbang:
livingwithwolves said:
Could care less about Evergrey. To me it's ALL about Saturday Night @ aproximately 11:30 PM. :headbang: I should be sobered up by then or at least riding the crest of a good but mild buzz. Jorn is gonna kick sooo much fucking ass. :headbang:

I thought the exact opposite of you when I first bought my tickets... that Evergrey would absolutely DESTROY all these other bands I previously didn't know about. However, over the last couple months, I've slowly but surely been discovering the greatness of all the other bands. Admittedly, I still haven't been able to get into Epica, but I'm still giving them a chance to win me over at PP.

Now, don't get me wrong, Evergrey is still going to deliver this year's most memorable performance, :worship: but I'll be rocking alongside you on Saturday night as well. I've become a big fan of Jorn and his work.

Just go in with an open mind, and you might just discover some new favorites that will be right up there alongside your current favorite Jorn... and I suspect that you'll be a member of the Evergrey Clan before the weekend is out. :headbang:
Heavenly Call said:
I don't like Mercenary all that much, but I'll still be catching the first 4 or 5 songs just for verification. To each his own though! Can't wait!

Just curious... is that based on Mercenary's early works and rep as a Death Metal band, or have you also heard their last 2 releases?