Tips for my new Mix (Full Song)


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada

Ive always had great tips from my fellow Sneapsters on mixes..

I just finished a recent mix, and was curious if anyone could offer any tips. I only monitor on my Behringer B2031A's and my Denon AH-d2000 headphones.


If anyone listens and can offer any feedback it would be appreciated.

Everything is done by me. Songwriting/Playing/Singing/Mixing&Mastering...

Nothing professional, but you know how it goes!
Quality is good on my laptop speakers :) One thing that strikes me is the cymbals are louder than the kick and snare lol, so they could be lowered.
Thanks. Drums are EZX Metal Machine with the default preset. I found them to be somewhat shrill as well. Will tweak ! Or maybe it's my loudness maximiser in the mastering that is boosting something. Ughh....

edit : Jack, good call. I edited the reverb a little so it flows in a little bit more. Gave them a LITTLE more breathing room. I think it fits in better. Thanks!
^ Thanks. It's kind of funny. I have both a reverb send set up, and a delay send set up. The reverb is just a larger room , and the delay is a standard vocal delay. I kept wondering why the heck the fader just wasnt giving me the delay sound I dialled in. turns out I pulled a total n00b thing and had the Delay only set to 10% of the mix on my delay channel. I treated it like a insert instead of a send. Rectified, and it sounds better. Thanks guys!