May 22, 2007
So what are some of your guys methods on getting this done?.......from my area there isnt alot of great bass players so the bassist is basically just playing with the guitar so im looking for that wall of sound......
well i like my bass real deep so u can feel in in ur chest.. i have a peak around 80-120 and then another at about 800hz.. and maybe around 4K if needed( i like to record into my daw with alot of treble and then take out wat i dont need.. sounds better i think:S

i got distracted writing this... and forgot wat i was on about...
umm... but yah.. leave dips in it around 200Hz and be careful in the 3-4k area to let the guitars have some air to breath lol
i'll mention for the sake of mentioning, because no one else has...high-pass the guitars!!

edit: try a low-pass too!
It's helped me on a recent mix to put a hi-pass at 12dB per octave or greater on the bass guitar at about 60-100Hz, sometimes as high as high as 200Hz depending on the mix it could be good.

Keeping the kick drum freqs and bass guitar freqs a bit inverse is cool, I'd scoop 300-500 on a kick drum but on bass guitar leave it, on a kick those freqs are the cardboard box sound but on bass give it body, and I usually cut anything above the high mids.

Guitar I like to hi-pass at 100 to get rid of cabinet honk and un-necessary low end, and low-pass at 10k approx. to cut noise, hiss, and most harmonics don't go a whole lot higher.

NEVER BOOST WITH EQ AND ONLY CUT WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE this will save your mixes a lot of time wasting. But this is only my opinion.
yeah .
generally good points here.
low end is a toughie.
carving space out of the kick for the bass and vice versa is handy, and well any instrument.
low passing bass at around 2 - 8k with a really mellow filter leaves some room for all the top end.

tell that to chris lord alge.
but seriously. you have a good point. my new method which i constantly harp on about is using two eqs.
one surgical eq to cut, and one musical eq to boost.

i.e sonnox eq filtering out at 80 hz and 10 k ish respectively, dipping 250 - 500 and pulling out the nasty stuff at 2.3 k.

then waves ssl eq or uad 1073 or something with loads of character. and preferably knobs not a graph (just my preferance, but so you're using your ears not your eyes here) after it boosting stuff to help bring out the elements and character of what you need....

to quote colin richardson

8-10 khz for the air 4-6 khz for the bite area, usually 1.5 khz for the in your face effect, 400hz for the note of the guitar, and around 70-100 hz to pick out the weight of the cab.The boost amount just depends on what has been recorded, just turn it till it sounds good.