Susperia said:You're kinda bad with grammar. (And thinking that a ship, despite it being called "she" could have sexual preferences is highly odd--- almost demented.)
The Winnipeg Warrior said:.....are you really a feminist Nazi? I've only been here since October, so I need some details, please! (LOL) I don't want to p*** you off if that's the case. And do I have to walk on egg shells when I speak? I just want to get a vibe of you so I don't end up getting blasted for making a comment that may be defined as neutral....but may be perceived as anything but. So, let me in on this will 'ya?
Susperia said:^Am I supposed to know who that woman is?
Birkenau said:Women should be enslaved for the good of mankind.
Susperia said:Hahah, Judas69's just a bitter, ugly, dirty old man, don't sweat it.
The main reason I snapped at that kid is because he used the term 'gay', which I'm so f-ing sick of. Please, once you're out of middle school, don't call things 'gay' anymore. Really lame. Plus, he was trolling.
^Am I supposed to know who that woman is?
The Winnipeg Warrior said:.....are you really a feminist Nazi? I've only been here since October, so I need some details, please! (LOL) I don't want to p*** you off if that's the case. And do I have to walk on egg shells when I speak? I just want to get a vibe of you so I don't end up getting blasted for making a comment that may be defined as neutral....but may be perceived as anything but. So, let me in on this will 'ya?
Birkenau said:Women should be enslaved for the good of mankind.
Aristotle said:A proper wife should be as obedient as a slave.
Confucius said:The five worst infirmities that afflict the female are indocility, discontent, slander, jealousy, and silliness... Such is the stupidity of woman's character, that it is incumbent upon her, in every particular, to distrust herself and to obey her husband
Kierkegaard said:What a misfortune to be a woman! And yet, the worst misfortune is not to understand what a misfortune it is