TM mentioned on NOVA FM


Oct 11, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Was anyone listening to Merric and Rosso on Nova 96.9FM this morning?

Rosso read out an email on where to find guys in Sydney and somebody mentioned "at metal gigs" citing the bands Transcending Mortality, Lycanthia and LORD.

Rosso remarked, I've never heard of Transcending Mortality.

Does that mean he has heard of Lycanthia and LORD :lol:

My faith in Australian radio was restored slightly today. I've been borrowing a Kia Carnival to get to/from work while my car is in getting a few things repaired and ended up resorting to radio skimming to break the monotony. Normally I'll end up flicking between 101.7 and ABC Classical but I got sick of classical and went nuts with every single other fucking station having either some bogan talking about the traffic, a lifeless rag-doll chick reading news out in monotone, or a bunch of ads. Ended up finding Vega 95.3 and actually enjoyed it. Left it on for the trip home today and again, satisfaction. Tonight I was heading back from the Albion (where Paindivision played a few songs which was an awesome surprise) and lo and behold, what should come onto Vega... Alice Cooper hosting! I near shat my pants.