To all of the guys here


Skull Kid
Oct 12, 2007
Clock Town Behavior: Pretty good -Syuri
Please come here and tell us that you are in fact a guy because theres like 5 people i thought were girls until i realized they were guys, im not the only clueless one here so it'd be nice to know who you are.

and you must not post pics.
if you do, please cover your boobies.

thank you.
Please come here and tell us that you are in fact a guy because theres like 5 people i thought were girls until i realized they were guys, im not the only clueless one here so it'd be nice to know who you are.

and you must not post pics.
if you do, please cover your boobies.

thank you.

best thread ever
of all time
^that would be epic :lol:

I really did not need that image whilst I'm trying to eat my coco pops.