An update for the ladies ;)


I think you should apply for a job there.

Bump. Because it made me LOL hard.
she looks like a fucking bee

I died :lol: :lol: :lol:

An earlier girl friend of mine are one of those we like to call a whore. She's 1 or 2 years younger than me, for the info. Tho she's not listed as a prositute (yet lol) she literally changes her beloved "boyfriend"
every month, if not more often.
I lived in a small mountain village in the middle of Norway (something around the area where Muffin lives) when I was little (from when I was 5 to 15 years) and there is where she lived (still lives) too.
And I'm so sure that she has slept with every teenage boy (if not older, so it got all pedofile-ish) in that village. It's sick, because the fact that she's so young, the thought of it kinda gross me out.
If there is a party, the next day the rumors are already out; "Did you hear that guy who fingerfucked Silje last night?" (her name is Silje for the info) or "Guess what! Silje had a threesome with her ex-bf and some random guy who had a gf last weekend!"
And now, I read on facebook, that she has a new bf xD They've been together for, I dunno, a couple of weeks, a month or two and she loves him more than anything .. -__-
Any time now, she get tierd of him because she think some other guy suddenly looks a bit hotter than him. There are ofcourse no personality counting in all of her so called relationships.
My best friend, who lives up there too (I don't anymore) use to call me and update me on all the "gossip" :lol: And we've figured out that the reason she does this, is to get as much attention as possible.
Speaking of attention, you know what she did once? :lol: Omg, it's so tragic, it's hilarious. She was at a party, and she felt that she didn't get enough attention because her bf left her for some seconds to talk
to a friend of his, and there wasn't many people she knew at the party, so she went over to the fireplace, layed her whole hand on the quite hot iron so she lost all feelings in her hand and got cubic combustion.
(did the last two words make sense?) Well, she sure got her fucking attention :lol:
She is a good example that it is not just men who "appreciate a woman's body" :lol:
Except she "appreciate a man's body" ;)

Thought I should share this little thing with you since this thread is so awzm <3<3<3<3<<3<<33<
It's happened. It almost happened to me, a chubby girl literally dragged me around a house party looking for a secluded place to mate, she made me sit on her lap (wtf) and press my knee into her crotch. National Geographic was there and everything. I think i was 14 and 59kg back then, i actually couldn't get her off of me. She looks decent now, and is into anal.
^name ov teh village please

Place is called "Meråker".
In the middle of Norway. Desert place xD Sort of a mountain village, srsly.

^^I cant believe you like Peter Steele :Puke:

I can't belive you don't like Peter Steele :zombie:
He's so hot!

And also, all of these posts, I had to read them for my bf, and we lol'd so hard :lol: Thanks for sharing experiences! :lol:
The Peter Steele Playgirl thing definitely turned me off of him completely. But I never thought he was attractive to begin with. Each to their own, I guess.