To all on OSA Board


OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005

The OSA board DOES work. Here is what you need to do a)log on, and then b)You will receve an error message, then c) hit "refresh" on your browser, and you can start posting.

Ray C.
Sorry Ray, but it doesn't work for me. :erk: I tried refresh-button and a few other tricks earlier and now again, but with no luck. I still can log on the site, but when trying the board, it keeps giving "Critical error"-message.

I hope that Autarkis will soon have time to fix it, because it's his server and nobody else can do it. The board has been down for several days now. :confused:
Not working for me either. Keep getting this:
phpBB : Critical Error

Error doing DB query userdata row fetch


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'phantomf_mamb1.phpbb_sessions_keys' doesn't exist

SELECT u.* FROM mos_users u, phpbb_sessions_keys k WHERE = 3 AND u.user_active = 1 AND k.user_id = AND k.key_id = '233dc16ea08551bc73348ae91bf92828'

Line : 83
File : sessions.php
You have to use your name and password first. Click "enter". Then, once you get that page with the error, hit the refresh on the browser.It works on IE, that is how I posted. You MAY have a problem on Mozilla.

Ray C.
Didn't get in with IE, but I managed to log in with Opera (no Mozilla installed yet) after some re-trying, but there are some glitches still remaining on the forum. All button images and other images as well are missing and I only get my own avatar loaded on the page I'm viewing. But I could post on there, so it basically works now. Better than nothing anyway. Aut has posted there on Monday that he is working on it, but these things are a pain in the a** and time consuming to solve.
(Yeah, tell me about it, I had a major hd-failure last week and I've been working all my spare time putting up my main computer again from scratch. - Makes me nuts :loco: )
I know Boris is on top of this right now, so everyone be cool and it will be worked out. Promise you.

Well, we can always hang out here and have some fun, right? Of course we can! I want to talk about how cool having a blast at Sonata was with all of you! Warms me up just thinking about it :)
I tried everything suggested above, to no avail.

edit: Just received e-mail notification about a new post in the "Care Package" topic. I still can't access the board. Is that going out soon? I forgot again.:oops: I need someone to e-mail me the address again.
It is still acting funky because the buttons aren't showing up. Our server must really be harshed right now. But it is OK. I am sure it will be up again soon totally 100 percent effective. I hope so too, because I want to discuss the Finnish presidential race and stuff.

The link is

Yay! PA being represented again in the Super Bowl! It's Pittsburgh over Denver 34-17. The Bus is going home!