Welcome aboard!

Welcome to the board!
Yes yes yes Carl and Ray. I AM FINALLY HERE! I got my laptop back a few days ago and finally made my long and treacherous journey to the OSA bored and I MADE IT UNHARMED! lol. anyways looks great guys. I hopefully will be on and posting alot. and for your sake carl tryin to not be in your space :P haha.
Hey Andrew, bout time you made it over here, slacker :p

For those who don't know, i first met this guy at the Soilwork/Dark Tranquillity/Hypocrisy and Mnemic concert a few years ago. I had ran into TheFabz (old school OSAers may remember him) and this guy here was with him. Of course he proceeded to accidentally dump his beer all over me. Bastard :p Somehow despite that fact, we would see each other at virtually every single concert and managed to become friends.