To all the home recording guitarists here... WHOA


I don't own any... :erk:
We're dealing with Thrash Metal Terrorists. Their thrashbase is much more advanced compared to us oldtimers.
Breaking the Silence isn't hard at all to find so GET IT, and if you're not one of the cool people you can get Victims of Deception (It sounds pretty much like Master of Puppets but is in no way a rip-off, just get it) on their website, (You can get Breaking the Silence there as well but if you buy the re-release you get the demo as a bonus)
I'm too lazy to figure these shits out... I'll work on it later. I would have thought that ACID could upload these somehow, but no dice.
BUMP... This is the beginning of a doom song I started writing today lolz:

The guitars and bass have gone through the Simulanalog sims without post-processing... The guitars are the JCM900 sim and the bass uses the Fender Twin sim... Also yeah I don't play very tightly... But I reckon there are some kool riffs around :(
The sound on that is incredible for what it is: a home-recording just to get the ideas down. Zee riffs, they are good, yes?

Hmm, the end reminds me of an album that I like a lot but would bet that nobody else here does: Godsend "A Wayfarer's Tears"