To all the norwegians amongst you...

I´m planning to visit your beautiful country (the southern part, more likely) this year in summer, so it would be cool if you guys could answer some questions:

- We´d like to camp, so the major question is: is it possible to camp with a tent in august, or is it already too cold (esp. in the mountains)?
- What about public conveyance (train, bus) in Norway - expensive? We´re mainly interested in nature, so I´m afraid that we have to rent a car....
- any cool locations a metal heart would enjoy that can't be found in the tourist guides? :)

Would be cool to get some answer, thanks!
corrado said:
I´m planning to visit your beautiful country (the southern part, more likely) this year in summer, so it would be cool if you guys could answer some questions:

- We´d like to camp, so the major question is: is it possible to camp with a tent in august, or is it already too cold (esp. in the mountains)?
- What about public conveyance (train, bus) in Norway - expensive? We´re mainly interested in nature, so I´m afraid that we have to rent a car....
- any cool locations a metal heart would enjoy that can't be found in the tourist guides? :)

Would be cool to get some answer, thanks!
Can I go with you? LOL
corrado said:
I´m planning to visit your beautiful country (the southern part, more likely) this year in summer, so it would be cool if you guys could answer some questions:

- We´d like to camp, so the major question is: is it possible to camp with a tent in august, or is it already too cold (esp. in the mountains)?
- What about public conveyance (train, bus) in Norway - expensive? We´re mainly interested in nature, so I´m afraid that we have to rent a car....
- any cool locations a metal heart would enjoy that can't be found in the tourist guides? :)

Would be cool to get some answer, thanks!
I'm not from Norway, but I've spent some time there, and have some family and friends there, so I have a slight bit of knowledge about a couple of these things.

As far as camping in August, it shouldn't be a huge problem. Southern Norway is pretty nice as far as summer weather goes. In the Mountains, I suppose it really depends on the elevation you plan on being at, and what your tolerance for temperature is. I live in North Dakota which gets WAY colder than most of Norway, and I thought the climate was ideal--but you may not.

Public transportation in Norway is pretty cool. It's not going to break the bank, and it goes most of the places that you want to go. It can get rather interesting in some outlying areas, however. For example, I stayed at a friend's house outside of the town of Sogndal, and "public transportation" consisted of riding the school bus into town.

As far as finding metal-related stuff, I'm clueless---haven't been there since '97.
corrado said:
I´m planning to visit your beautiful country (the southern part, more likely) this year in summer, so it would be cool if you guys could answer some questions:

- We´d like to camp, so the major question is: is it possible to camp with a tent in august, or is it already too cold (esp. in the mountains)?
- What about public conveyance (train, bus) in Norway - expensive? We´re mainly interested in nature, so I´m afraid that we have to rent a car....
- any cool locations a metal heart would enjoy that can't be found in the tourist guides? :)

Would be cool to get some answer, thanks!
As already mentioned, it shouldn't be a problem unless you are camping in the mountains or far north in the country.

Everything in Norway is expensive, but trains and stuff isn't much more expensive than anything else, I guess...

As for metal locations, Oslo would be the city to visit. Since its the capital, I'm guessing you will visit there. Check out then click "festival info" and then "oslo guide". There you will find some good metal hangouts and stores.

And, yeah, I'm from norway.
I would advice you to see the western, fjord parts of norway, they are the most beautiful.
Oslo is quite a ordinary city, with not much scenery like you see on posters and information brocheures of norway. If I were a tourist I would go to Sogn and fjordane in the mid parts of the west it is quite beautiful, or starrt in bergen a nice city. Going to the fjords would really be a good way to see mountains without getting to high, so I guess you could camp in a tent. And yes Norway is quite expencive. Especially beer and tobacco, so if you smoke bring your smokes with you.

Oslo have some metal shops and a couple of pubs, but quite frankly I would go for the western parts of our contry.
Norway was really expensive. But then again it's all relativity... comparing to Canada... it was like setting your money on fire. Ok... so it wasn't THAT bad but bad enough when you're on a budget.
I was kind of disappointed with the metal aspect of things tho. But isn't the Bergen Hole in the Sky in August?
I got to go to the Motstøy at the end of May last year and it was one of the best shows I've ever been to because the venue was so small.
It was just unfortunate that I did not find the metal I went to seek.
Let me know how the camping goes 'cause I plan on going camping there one day... soonish.
beer is damn expensive in Norway so you might consider not drinking to much or pick it up somewhere else ... transport well transport in the nighthours is a pain it is about double the price and there is no way around (in Denmark you can buy a month card and you dont pay extra during the night - it dont work that way up there) the living cost alot food are expensive and going out eating on resturants and such can make a hole in your pocket...
Now one thing I found that I dont like about norweigen stores and food things is you can buy meat there is abit cheaper ... but it dosent tell you what there is in it !!!!
MUHAHAHAH that is why im not moving up there and letting my b/f come to me instead :p