To be... or not to be... the seventh art! What about your favourite films?

Originally posted by |ngenius
Well, mre movies:

- The Big Lewoski
- O Brother!
- Shrek (great animation and graphic design!)

@ atlantis: The sadness seized my heart. But tomorrow could be a great day, I'm sure.

(Coen bros all life long, it seems;))
Don't be sad. Tomorrow is just another day (Gone with the wind O.S.T.)
I don't abuse of drugs, well I'm a little addicted to coke (giveeeeeeee meeeeeeeee some more) and a little (even more) to Doritos, and well to many many many things but drugs??? nah! that's for the ones who can't have some "tunning" themselves!
ARGH! I know it, FatherVic, but she... she... the evil one that don't wants to marry me... she called you as "alcoholic" and said bad things about you, my dear, my only one, my sweet cake of... er... PLEASE, DON'T READ THIS IF YOU'RE UNDER 18 OR UNDER THE LIMIT AGE IN YOUR COUNTRY. THANK YOU.
Captive honour ain't no honour....and long ago you stole mine!!!

and atlantis....bad girlie, making this little grasshoper feeling bad!!! he's tall and blond, really...but he doesn't wear a helmet with horns on it as vikings did....shame on that!
Anyway, there are millions of girls that wish to deny my marriage offer too. I'll never lose my hope!

@ FatherVic: I'm downloading Shrek at the moment, hehe.

@ Atlantis: I never forget ya. BTW: Nice avatar.

@ Anybody: Can ya help me to lose my virginity? I tried to lose it in a carelesness, but it remembered the way to come back!!!
Shawshank redemption, yeah! Another one I forget! With Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, and based on a novel by Stephen King called "Rita Hayworth & The Shawshank Redemption", included as a short story. I recommend it, it's better than the movie, and the movie is great!!!!
Originally posted by |ngenius
Anyway, there are millions of girls that wish to deny my marriage offer too. I'll never lose my hope!

Don't do it, never ever. Wile E. Coyote has ever lost the illusion of catching the ostrich? And oh, he knows he won't

Originally posted by |ngenius
@ Atlantis: I never forget ya. BTW: Nice avatar.
Neither will I. As for the avatar, thanks mum, thanks dad.

Don't do it, never ever. Wile E. Coyote has ever lost the illusion of catching the ostrich? And oh, he knows he won't

Didn't coyote chase the roadrunner???? beep beep
I know it's kinda posh to point out the different, but being one of the biggest partners of the ACME company I thought it was my duty to show the world that Coyote's problem (and the reason for his psichiatric treatment) is a RoadRunner :)
Originally posted by FatherVic
that Coyote's problem (and the reason for his psichiatric treatment) is a RoadRunner :)

Road runners are ALWAYS a problem, no matter who's chasing em.
It's "some perpetual illusion matching some perpetual failure, a dream and its ontological impracticableness." ("Essay on Chuck Jones"_ Carnival and Romance)
I'd sign with blood Coyote's point of view.
Er... I should to catch an ostrich? What a strange thing. And Coyote goes to a psychiatric sessions? Fuck off, nobody is safe in the mental illenss menace!

@ Atlantis: You could be mine, I know you're not an ostrich.
@Atlantis I'll say the following in spanish, it's the only way to express what I need to: Me pones mazo, tronca, ¿q no?

It was a romantic spanish expression.

@Melancholia: I'm quite cool, but FatherVic is the coolest man in the world. If one day I'll doubt 'bout my heterosexuality...

Hey, there are a cool movie in T.V at the moment: Hard Die!!
Originally posted by |ngenius
@Atlantis I'll say the following in spanish, it's the only way to express what I need to: Me pones mazo, tronca, ¿q no?

It was a romantic spanish expression.

Too bad i get spanish...even weird expressions, maan
@lantis (hey now I realise the thing @lantis:lol: )
you know Spanish???? understood what that caveman told ya???
then you understand really a lot of spanish slang!!!
well actually is one of the greates compliment some ppl here can say at a woman, but who am I to say....

@|ngenius ya las cagau?¿
And I'm tending to see your hotty ass more desirable each day man, whenever you doubt, I'll be there just to jump on you and make you mine :)
Hey, hey, FIND YOUR OWN WOMAN TARGETS, that is mine. XD.

P.D: Hazme tuyo / Make me yours!

P.D (2): Caveman? Did ya say it 'cos I'm strong like them?
Well, a lot of moviie have impressed me a lot, let's try to resum the better ones...

-The Thin Red Line (Terrence Malick)
-The Clockwork Orange ( Well, I love all Kubrick movies)
-Double Indemnity (B. Wilder)
-Sunset Boulevard (B.Wilder)
-Laura (Otto Preminger)
-Taxi Driver (Scorsese)
-Brazil (t.Gilliam)
-Ed Wood (Burton)
-The most Coen Brothers Cinema...
-All Hitchcock's movies, but mostly Notorius, Psycho and Vertigo...
-Los Amantes del Círculo Polar (J.Medem)
-Touch of Evil I like a lot too...

And for the actual movies..

_Amelie (jeunet... a little too much optimist but...)
-La Pianiste (Haneke... Isabelle Huppert is a goddess)
_Requiem for a Dream (Arronovsky)

And a long etc...
@|ngenius: I don't want women anymore....I was just talking about you, my adorable handsome Spanish Viking (nice if that could be true ;P)
And I called you caveman for your fluent speaking ;P