To Black Lovers..

Which Generation Do You Like Most?

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Life Sucks said:
Why not? You like some death metal, so I would think that you would at least like some clealy produced pseudo black metal such as Dissection, Dimmu Borgir, latter day Immortal, etc..

BTW, are you still hitting the gym? I haven't seen you over at in a while.

I actually prefere Black metal to the "other" type like dimmu Borgir, that band annoys me to no end.
If you want though, you could class Naglfar as some sort of Black metal, probably the only band I can listen too that is BM.

Ofcourse I am btw ;) , I read the posts over at all the time (on it now), I just don't post as much.
Try seeing the waves we are discussing more in the vein of: First wave - Image, great music, little depth and meaning Second wave - Excellent music, words backed up by beliefs and ideas Third wave - More commercial, more mainstream-friendly music, return to image without much to back the harsh words up instead of strictly setting limits by years, or try a combination of both.
Sorath said:
Try seeing the waves we are discussing more in the vein of: First wave - Image, great music, little depth and meaning Second wave - Excellent music, words backed up by beliefs and ideas Third wave - More commercial, more mainstream-friendly music, return to image without much to back the harsh words up instead of strictly setting limits by years, or try a combination of both.
...and musically:

First wave -- little more than exceptionally primitive and dark thrash with lyrics often about Satan, evil and such.
Second wave -- added a lot of atmosphere, melodicism and epic feeling. Also the now-trademark blastbeats, tremolo riffing and high-pitched vocals really settle here.
Third wave (in the "second wave bands and derivatives sold out" sense) -- adds more keyboards and dilutes the music with cheap gimmicks like "goth" or "industrial" crossover stuff. Song structures turn more simplistic, image more important than message; also becomes apparent in music.
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