To Dragonlord

Originally posted by Dragonlord

That would be a fair trial...US doesn't even have evidence that he did it.If they had,they would have shown them.The whole thing is ridiculous.


Well, Bin Laden is rich enough to get the best advocats the states have. It worked with O.J. Simpson, its also gonna work for him. If he is not guilty, the advocats will completely destroy the argumantation of the prosecutors.

Than he`ll be free, even in Texas. So?
the 100th post of this thread is quite true. He is rich enough to get himself innocent. but is he rich enough to get him self alive out of his caves (if he is still there)?
Originally posted by metalized
the 100th post of this thread is quite true. He is rich enough to get himself innocent. but is he rich enough to get him self alive out of his caves (if he is still there)?

Hi Metalized,

the Americans once did a big mistake with killing Che Guevara uproad. Without a trial, without a defense. And they`ve created a hero, as you can see on most young people`s room-wallpapers.

But this time the guys whoms hero they could create are much more dangerous, so Bin Laden HAS to stay alive until a trial. Otherwise they`ll create the next generation of terrorists.

Look at Turkey. They`ve caught the leader of the PKK, Abdullah Ocalan, (by the way: .... you know, what I mean... :heh: :heh: :heh: ) and instead of killing him they brought him to the court.

Now you should have seen him: "Let me work for the Kurdis-Turkish friendship, I hate killing, I never wanted anyone to suffer....!" And all this after 30.000 lost lives in 20 years. Even the Turks couldn`t believe their own ears.

Now look on whats left of the biggest terrorist of turkish history: Even the Kurds don`t take him seriously. He`s just a broken old man in a prison-cell.

Can you imagine about what would have happened if the Turks had killed him instead? We would have a war now.

Due to the fact that the Americans are much more intelligent than the Turks they know all this. They won`t kill him, don`t worry.
Originally posted by The Boxer

Hi Metalized,

the Americans once did a big mistake with killing Che Guevara uproad. Without a trial, without a defense. And they`ve created a hero, as you can see on most young people`s room-wallpapers.

But this time the guys whoms hero they could create are much more dangerous, so Bin Laden HAS to stay alive until a trial. Otherwise they`ll create the next generation of terrorists.

Look at Turkey. They`ve caught the leader of the PKK, Abdullah Ocalan, (by the way: .... you know, what I mean... :heh: :heh: :heh: ) and instead of killing him they brought him to the court.

Now you should have seen him: "Let me work for the Kurdis-Turkish friendship, I hate killing, I never wanted anyone to suffer....!" And all this after 30.000 lost lives in 20 years. Even the Turks couldn`t believe their own ears.

Now look on whats left of the biggest terrorist of turkish history: Even the Kurds don`t take him seriously. He`s just a broken old man in a prison-cell.

Can you imagine about what would have happened if the Turks had killed him instead? We would have a war now.

Due to the fact that the Americans are much more intelligent than the Turks they know all this. They won`t kill him, don`t worry.
i heard in TV that he (UBL) has given orders to his oficcers to shoot him if he is in danger of being captured. this makes things a bit complex, doesn't it?
well - thats one part ... the OBL story!
whats next? today or yesterday i heard that the us think about goin on a bit further with their activities: why not do the same thing in iraq! They were successfull in their warfare (so far) against these barbarians in tents and for sure they will be victorious against the iraqi forces - if they (the U.S. and their allies) really decide to "complete" the task.
Whats next? GWB won´t stop - what do u think? Next Iran? Pakistan? China? Greece? (for their behaving so anti-american on this board like Dragonlord :) - nope, thats not funny, thats annoying! extremly annoying
I'm reminded of the Simpsons, where the aliens take the place of Bill Clinton and Bob Dole. Someone suggests to vote for a third party, to which they reply, "Go ahead, throw your vote away." Damn hilarious episode, but so true. I was thinking of voting for Nader, based on interviews I saw with him. That changed when I actually went to his website and read some of his insanity. That guy could give Gore a run for his money on the whackometer. Buchanan is a joke; anyone who would vote for him needs mental help. So, I was left with only one option. It's sad that I had to use a process of elimination rather than having someone I really wanted to be President. At least Clinton is finally gone.
I had heard that Clinton was the best President of the last years, no matter what he did with his personal life. Isn't he still better than W.Bush, Gore, Bush or Reagan (I hope I wrote it right!)? :confused:
You should know better I think
I think that the president of a country (esp. of the USA, who is considered to be the planeet dominator) should NOT have personal life. but i guess he is a man and has his needs. but cheating on your wife is one thing and cheating on the ppl you represent is another. he cheated on both, didn't he?
Some people say that, but they are usually people I disagree with on many things. His personal life reflects on the image of our country worldwide, so it does have a bearing on his Presidency. Besides, I never said I liked any of the other mentioned Presidents, did I? I don't deny that Clinton did some good; all Presidents do. I just didn't like having such a sleazy man representing me. Now I have an idiot representing me, which isn't much better :lol:
greetings from arizona... on a little vacation for thanksgiving week... anyway I found this too be quite amusing.

"I don't deny that Clinton did some good; all Presidents do. I just didn't like having such a sleazy man representing me."

hahahaha, he is a politician for fucks sake... how many presidents do you think have done "sleazy" things... hahahaha every president is a goon to me, just a face to go with peoples finger pointing. when clinton was found to be lying about his affair I really could care less... it is not something I need to know about either way. It definately wasn't detrimental to anyones life except those involved. people need to get over that whole situation, it really had nothing to do with his presidency.. just a media circus.
....but isn't that what the american presidency is about? A media circus?

The president doesn't run the country... He is just a face and a name.
heya peoples.....allrighty, Regan was good for the country, the only real fallout from him is the materialistic quality our society has now......even more so then before.But even then that's being overcome....hello, Berlin wall anyone.......two mayjor players there, Regan and the Pope :loco:

and as far as Clinton goes, he's a deserter who was an honoured guest of the KGB for God's sake......oh but he's a great guy he just can't keep it in his that has anything to do with running a fucking country...:lol:

And , yes I aggree.....Bush is the lesser of two evils, but it would have been better then Gore....well I'm going to eat now and I'll make an ass out of myself again later......:lol::cool: