got a hand axe?
you know, I got through the first page and half of the secund and all I could think is that people are so scared to think outside of their ingrained train of thought that they refuse to lisson.....I am guilty of this myself, but at least I try to see things from others prospective. There is only so much 'talking' that can go on about this before the whole topic implodes. I keenly remember the fear and pain I felt as I watched thousands of lives snuffed out in moments....that anyone is capable of this nausiates me, but I do also understand that the opisition writs the rules of war...the US for Afghanistan, and vice verca.....I understand the mechanics of war...I felt the fear.....evolution has given all of humanity the ability to be monsters......and in some cultures it is promoted, in others it is not.......untill the human brain evolves past some of the primal urges that lend itself to violence then there will be war......