To fatten or not to fatten the guitar tone... that is the question.


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Fail attempt at trying to make a funny thread title!

Anyway, simply put; I have found an easy way to fatten up the tone in my current guitar chain without any effort. I went through my chain today to see if there was something that needed tweaking and at the end of the chain I have ReaXcomp (multiband compressor) and I decided to play around with it. Its job is to tame the low end and I had set it to NOT activate auto make-up gain and had instead controlled the gain manually. For the fun of it, I activated auto make-up and just slightly lowered the gain for the lows because it was quite a lot of lows it brought up, and this is what I ended up with.

The clip contains 2 riffs that are repeated twice so you can hear the "fat" and "non-fat" version after each other. As all my scratch tracks, this one contains no bass guitar and there is a poor Addictive Drums track accompanying the guitars.. sounds like crap but it's just a scratch track! You'll be able to hear the guitars anyhow so it's cool :)

Here it is, listen! d(o_O)b

I know the bass guitar is gonna have a tremendous impact on the tone but the guitars might perhaps need a little bit more fatness in any case.. well, I thought I'd get your opinions too :)

I know I have been posting tone threads awfully a lot and you probably think I'm obsessing like a maniac... which actually is true from time to time but still, this time I'm just posting for the fun of it really =) So which one of the tones do you like the most, the first or the second? I haven't mentioned in what order they come but I think you'll definately hear that one is thinner while the other is fatter. Question is which one you think will fit the music better :)

Perhaps the fatter tone is a bit TOO fat but it's easy to fix... just pulling down the gain on the low band by 1.5-2dbs should solve it.
The fatter one is far better IMO. Although that could all change when you add bass in but it sounds like it's all thickness in the right place, so I wouldn't worry
Lovely Gareth!

Btw dude, I made the sickest part of all times today... seriously, I think you'd have an orgasm because I know you like my harmonic riffz! :D I'll let you hear some time! As for the rest of the forum.... well, you'll have to wait! haha =)

A little bit off-topic but hey... nevermind :)
Fat, but seems like the tone could be tweaked a bit, really (as it sounds kind of dry, not spongy enough if that's the word :lol:). I wonder how it'd be with the bass though.
I liked the second clip a little more - it sounds like it has a little more headroom / depth.

By the way - will you please release this album, like ... tomorrow - all of the riffz ou've put out so far are excellent. I love the synthz. ;)
I liked the second clip a little more - it sounds like it has a little more headroom / depth.

By the way - will you please release this album, like ... tomorrow - all of the riffz ou've put out so far are excellent. I love the synthz. ;)

+1, sounds really original, not copied on anything. I like that a lot! :headbang:
I like the less fat one! Fat doesn't always mean that it has to be better. You don't want a girl to fat or to thin, just somewhere in the middle so the tits and ass fill up your palms... And I really like the string section!
Haha nice way to put it Ola! :D I guess it will depend on the mix later on once I'm done with everything, but I think the fat version will benefit the end result... this style might require some chunky tones. I just thought it was interesting how easy it was to fatten up the tone without screwing around with a bunch of stuff. All I had to do was to click a button on ReaXcomp and done!

Thanks for the responses dudes! I was afraid I was having one of those moments where you tweak something and you think it sounds awesome just because it's a bit different and refreshing. Just wanted to make sure you guys, who have a much more neutral/objective view than me, thought the tone didn't actually sound worse than the original version.

Yeah, can't wait to be done with this album but there is still a looooooooooot of work left! :( It'll be worth the wait though... I'll make sure of that :)
Haha nice way to put it Ola! :D I guess it will depend on the mix later on once I'm done with everything, but I think the fat version will benefit the end result... this style might require some chunky tones. I just thought it was interesting how easy it was to fatten up the tone without screwing around with a bunch of stuff. All I had to do was to click a button on ReaXcomp and done!

Thanks for the responses dudes! I was afraid I was having one of those moments where you tweak something and you think it sounds awesome just because it's a bit different and refreshing. Just wanted to make sure you guys, who have a much more neutral/objective view than me, thought the tone didn't actually sound worse than the original version.

Yeah, can't wait to be done with this album but there is still a looooooooooot of work left! :( It'll be worth the wait though... I'll make sure of that :)

I try to picture the mix with a fat bass aswell. Once you get a bassguitar in there you won't need the fattest guitars around.
Exactly, that is a very valid point. However, this is also what I'm afraid of. The thing is that my experience with bass tones is not as high as with guitar tones. I don't own a bass guitar (except for a really crappy Hohner bass not worth even calling a bass) so I haven't had the opportunity to just sit down and try all different amps and things to achieve a good tone. The more I've worked with guitar tones, the more I've come to understand what it is that makes a guitar tone clear and upfront and so on. I'm not really sure about those things on a bass guitar.. I can't hear all the "details" as well as I can on guitar tones.

I'll just have to see how it goes later on when bass tracking starts. I hope I don't delay the whole project by 3 months just because I can't get a good bass tone haha, now that would suck!

Btw, that is one damn sexy logo you have in your signature Ola :)
Yeah 1+ on Ola.
I also like the less fat version, if I pictue a bass in there that is. :)

What bass will you use on this Erkan?
Exactly, that is a very valid point. However, this is also what I'm afraid of. The thing is that my experience with bass tones is not as high as with guitar tones. I don't own a bass guitar (except for a really crappy Hohner bass not worth even calling a bass) so I haven't had the opportunity to just sit down and try all different amps and things to achieve a good tone. The more I've worked with guitar tones, the more I've come to understand what it is that makes a guitar tone clear and upfront and so on. I'm not really sure about those things on a bass guitar.. I can't hear all the "details" as well as I can on guitar tones.

I'll just have to see how it goes later on when bass tracking starts. I hope I don't delay the whole project by 3 months just because I can't get a good bass tone haha, now that would suck!

Btw, that is one damn sexy logo you have in your signature Ola :)

Det handlar ju bara om att fixa en riktigt bra bas... En bas som låter bra behöver man knappt eq:a eller göra nånting med. Kolla om du kan låna eller hyra en i en vecka när det väl är dags.

Thanks about the logo; I'm waiting for engl to call me anyday now and ask me to take it down.
Det handlar ju bara om att fixa en riktigt bra bas... En bas som låter bra behöver man knappt eq:a eller göra nånting med. Kolla om du kan låna eller hyra en i en vecka när det väl är dags.

Thanks about the logo; I'm waiting for engl to call me anyday now and ask me to take it down.

Oh is that so? Well in that case, it shouldn't be THAT hard to achieve a good bass tone I think. I "sort of" have a bassist to lay the bass on this project and he has got a really nice Yamaha 5 or 6 string. I'll have to ask him for more details and investigate his bass haha =)

If ENGL calls you... it should be for one reason only. ENDORSEMENT! I take it you are not endorsed yet or? All you use are ENGL amps and you put out great tones, you should be endorsed! :D
If ENGL calls you... it should be for one reason only. ENDORSEMENT! I take it you are not endorsed yet or? All you use are ENGL amps and you put out great tones, you should be endorsed! :D

I actually mailed them about the fact that I should have an endorsement(since I AM the only guy marketing ENGL in sweden), they were kind enough to answer but no deal :mad: