To fatten or not to fatten the guitar tone... that is the question.

Damn, maybe some other time then, who knows. Maybe not my business but why did they not want to endorse you?

copy paste:

We are impressed with your hard work and the amazing Video clips you produce as well as you supporting Engl amps in such a great way.

Unfortunately at this point we can't hand out special Artist pricing for you.
from the 2 i like the 2nd by itself better, but i think the 1st might be better in the big picture once you add the bass. the bass will fill up that low spectrum nicely and the guitars in the 1st recording have a nice mid feel to it.
copy paste:

We are impressed with your hard work and the amazing Video clips you produce as well as you supporting Engl amps in such a great way.

Unfortunately at this point we can't hand out special Artist pricing for you.


By the way, Ola - your song "Godlike" is fucking awesome dude (as are the rest of them, but I especially liked "Godlike" - very heavy!!!) :kickass: The chorus is brutal as hell!

Erkan - If the bass player doesn't work out, I am sure there are dudes up here that would lend a hand at tracking for you!
Erkan, I like the "fat" tone. It's not even fat IMO. Just well balanced. Makes me wonder what type of monitors you have if you think that's fat. Like Ola says, it's about the anorectic ideals we're being fed with since I was almost as young as you guys are nowadays. Well, he didn't really put it that way but...;)

I listened to the raw guitar tracks from Chaosphere yesterday and those were fat. Like Jabba the Hut type of fat. Huge, greasy, wobbly fat. Awesome! :D
copy paste:

We are impressed with your hard work and the amazing Video clips you produce as well as you supporting Engl amps in such a great way.

Unfortunately at this point we can't hand out special Artist pricing for you.

Arseholes! Keep on trying man, bug them until they surrender :)

from the 2 i like the 2nd by itself better, but i think the 1st might be better in the big picture once you add the bass. the bass will fill up that low spectrum nicely and the guitars in the 1st recording have a nice mid feel to it.

Yeah I'm getting the feeling this might be what'll happen once the bass comes in. The good thing is that it's so easy to adjust the "fatness" of the tone now just via ReaXcomp since I've properly set it up and such :) I wonder how my tone will change if I get the ESP LTD MHB-401 ... baritone, yum! Hope I won't have to redo a whole lot in my guitar chain, I've spent enough time with it already! :)

Erkan - If the bass player doesn't work out, I am sure there are dudes up here that would lend a hand at tracking for you!

Yeah that'd be cool but it's quite a big project and I don't know how comfortable I am with not being able to "creatively control" the bass player for my songs.

Erkan, I like the "fat" tone. It's not even fat IMO. Just well balanced. Makes me wonder what type of monitors you have if you think that's fat. Like Ola says, it's about the anorectic ideals we're being fed with since I was almost as young as you guys are nowadays. Well, he didn't really put it that way but...;)

I listened to the raw guitar tracks from Chaosphere yesterday and those were fat. Like Jabba the Hut type of fat. Huge, greasy, wobbly fat. Awesome! :D

Dude! =) Well, it certainly isn't fat as in a old school death metal fat type of sound but I consider it fat-ish for modern music where clarity is a big priority. I think this is as fat as I can go without screwing stuff up because as said already, clarity is quite important for me. Regarding monitoring... heh, I'm actually only using headphones and in this case BeyerDynamic DT-990 Pro. These phones are supposed to be boosted a little bit in the lows and highs if I remember correctly, but I actually think they have a slight roll off on the bass because I often end up with a bit of too much bass on stuff when I mix on those. I'm still not used to them 100%. The highs sound delicious on 'em though and a bit on the harsh side which is good because it makes me spent some extra time on getting the high end smooth on stuff I create. Maybe not in this mix but in general :)
Hehehe some time ago before i registred to this forum, the other guitarplayer besides me in my band showed me that youtube video of a guy with that "sick sound through the harley benton box". he found it because he wanted to get that cabinet and searched for some tunes on youtube.
the sound was the SICKEST of engl amps i ever heared :heh:

unfortunately I then lost the link and wasnt able to find the videos on youtube again :cry:

but after registring and coming acroos Ola's stuff here I was extremly surprised and glad how small the world can be :headbang:

So what I want to say: YES you and nobody else would deseve this freakin contract :kickass:

Hehehe some time ago before i registred to this forum, the other guitarplayer besides me in my band showed me that youtube video of a guy with that "sick sound through the harley benton box". he found it because he wanted to get that cabinet and searched for some tunes on youtube.
the sound was the SICKEST of engl amps i ever heared :heh:

unfortunately I then lost the link and wasnt able to find the videos on youtube again :cry:

but after registring and coming acroos Ola's stuff here I was extremly surprised and glad how small the world can be :headbang:

So what I want to say: YES you and nobody else would deseve this freakin contract :kickass:


Cheers mate! :headbang: