To get into the big sales like Evanescence

I like Evanescene. Their album is one of the best of the year. BTW, did you even bother listening to their album before criticising? And once again, why do you have to label their music as BAD because they sell?? FFS!
evanescence = niark...i heard their lyrics for that hit song of theirs was actually ripped off from a band not as lucky as they are.
No way lacuna coil resembling evanescence! the music is different..hell, are you comparing them becaue of the female vocals???bleh
I like their CD... It's nothing all that great, but it is a decent album, IMO... The first single is one of the worst songs on the album... The rest of the CD is totally different...
Angrafan said:
I like their CD... It's nothing all that great, but it is a decent album, IMO... The first single is one of the worst songs on the album... The rest of the CD is totally different...

yeah that one with the rapper is the weakest song on the album, the first track and Tourniquet are way better !
Guys, Evanescence just plain SUCK!!!!! And I am not talking about their music either. My girlfriend got me into them when their first single made it big, and I thought, hey, this isn't too bad. But then, for whatever reason I will probably never understand, they got MEGA huge. Now that isn't a bad thing either. But what is a bad thing is that they sold out, in every definition of the word. They were actually a Christian band at one point(with Ben Moody and Amy Lee meeting each other at Christ-camp), and that is all good. Their first album, Origin, has some mighty fine moments on it, and was actually even released on Christian label if memory serves me correct. Thusly, their cd was released in Christian bookstores across the country, as was the first pressing of their last cd. But after they got big, Moody and Lee completely cut off all their ties to their original Christian vision for the sake of appealing to a wider audience.
Now don't get me wrong, I am no Christ-freak in the least. I am simply a believer in integrity, and personal values. And if someone sacrifices that for fame, then fuck 'em. Fuck 'em hard and painful. Just my two cents. :)
Hey, Evanescence and all the nu-metal thing aren't that bad, but why do some posers' attitudes have more importance than the rest? Anathema's nothing to do with that kind of group but they deserve SO much more!!!
I don't mind that this nu-metal music exists, I don't have to listen to it if I don't want to. What bothers me the most is the term 'nu-METAL' It's not metal FFS. And when people ask me what music I listen to, and I answer metal, they go like "oooohhhhhhh yeah man, I absolutely love Linkin Park latest album. And Limp Bizkit latest single is the best song they've ever written!!" - "Erm, it's a cover" - "No it's not, fuck you fuck you!!!! :mad:"
Cerulean said:
I don't mind that this nu-metal music exists, I don't have to listen to it if I don't want to. What bothers me the most is the term 'nu-METAL' It's not metal FFS. And when people ask me what music I listen to, and I answer metal, they go like "oooohhhhhhh yeah man, I absolutely love Linkin Park latest album. And Limp Bizkit latest single is the best song they've ever written!!" - "Erm, it's a cover" - "No it's not, fuck you fuck you!!!! :mad:"
i feel for you Gorik mate o_O