To get into the big sales like Evanescence

Cerulean said:
And when people ask me what music I listen to, and I answer metal, they go like "oooohhhhhhh yeah man, I absolutely love Linkin Park latest album. And Limp Bizkit latest single is the best song they've ever written!!" - "Erm, it's a cover" - "No it's not, fuck you fuck you!!!! :mad:"
Well then stop talking to idiots and go among adults, ffs! :lol:
The Scourge said:
Guys, Evanescence just plain SUCK!!!!! And I am not talking about their music either. My girlfriend got me into them when their first single made it big, and I thought, hey, this isn't too bad. But then, for whatever reason I will probably never understand, they got MEGA huge. Now that isn't a bad thing either. But what is a bad thing is that they sold out, in every definition of the word. They were actually a Christian band at one point(with Ben Moody and Amy Lee meeting each other at Christ-camp), and that is all good. Their first album, Origin, has some mighty fine moments on it, and was actually even released on Christian label if memory serves me correct. Thusly, their cd was released in Christian bookstores across the country, as was the first pressing of their last cd. But after they got big, Moody and Lee completely cut off all their ties to their original Christian vision for the sake of appealing to a wider audience.
Now don't get me wrong, I am no Christ-freak in the least. I am simply a believer in integrity, and personal values. And if someone sacrifices that for fame, then fuck 'em. Fuck 'em hard and painful. Just my two cents. :)

now what you said has NOTHING to do with what we've been talking about here. evanescence sold out? i dont care. it doesnt change the fact that thier album is a nice attempt with some shitty lyrics. when someone asks me about evanescence i'll say "yeah they dont have integrity, they lay down for the money, but their album was quite nice." dont mix the two together.
The Scourge said:
Moody and Lee completely cut off all their ties to their original Christian vision for the sake of appealing to a wider audience.
and i always thought moody to be no christian. it's a mad world..... ;)
Don Corleone said:
now what you said has NOTHING to do with what we've been talking about here. evanescence sold out? i dont care. it doesnt change the fact that thier album is a nice attempt with some shitty lyrics. when someone asks me about evanescence i'll say "yeah they dont have integrity, they lay down for the money, but their album was quite nice." dont mix the two together.
You know, perhaps my post strayed from the original vision of the topic at hand(wow, big surprise here in the forum,right?), but I felt it to be a necessity concerning the "band" at hand. Sure, you can say the album is a nice attempt, hell, even some genuine honest moments, but for me, in the end it all about integrity and personal constitution. And Evanescence violate both of those strata to the most banal degree. Music created for the sake of commercialism is just shit. Whereas, music created out of an honest artistic vision is timeless. And selling out isn't just minimized to having the idea of music for money. Selling out also means to sacrifice what you believe in, have believed in your whole life, just because you are now flying on the ecstatic wings of fame. And that my friends, is the worst "selling out" of all.
how can a band that released 1 cd can sell out?! :confused:

this is a band that i will look for in the future. i didnt like the almbum really but it had some really great bits. now if they do some more alternative stuff and say goodbye to the nu metal guitars, well then id be really curious. but i just hope they drop the nu sound and go further with some more advanced chord schemes :tickled:
Mariner said:
how can a band that released 1 cd can sell out?! :confused:

this is a band that i will look for in the future. i didnt like the almbum really but it had some really great bits. now if they do some more alternative stuff and say goodbye to the nu metal guitars, well then id be really curious. but i just hope they drop the nu sound and go further with some more advanced chord schemes :tickled:
Second cd. The first cd was called Origin. They actually even had a couple of well received and distributed demos before that too. So.......