To Jacob


Nov 8, 2008
Hey I wrote this song. If you think you can play it better than me it might sound nice. My playing sucks. I can send you the background music. I was experimenting a bit with using a sort of classical off timing solo. Meaning the timing doesn't follow the predictable perfect 4:4 pattern even though the rythem does. The solo may start on the silent part at one time, start with the rythem another, or go in different ways. Using the melody and tones to produce emotion like in classical.

This is kinda the stuff I was hinting at would be cool for Therion. I just suck too much to produce any music of the sort myself. You can produce more emotion and more "intellectual" effect by not following a conventional timing. Like its in time but not following a metrome or predictable changes. This is example is very crude, but if well performed would be a very beautiful song. If you want to try your hand at doing some show off soloing.
Hi Rosie,

I'm honored, but I don't think I'll take the challene. You are right that it could be a good song, but it is simple too crude for me to even concider starting interpreting, and I would rather spend my time doing something else. And you should just spend yours practicing ;)


Well if you don't have the time to correct this song then I don't have the time to practice. I have too many interests besides playing music and it takes far too much time because anytime I try to find anyone to do something with- I can't. Meaning if I want to record something I have to play drums, bass, rythem, solo, singing, recording, mixing, producing. It's just too much time considering I'm not getting paid for it. I just thought I had a lot of good ideas for anyone who was into playing all the time. Though I did get to work on some stuff that is going to be really good.