to slate or not to slate (vcc/vtm)

I haven't tried either too extensively but I feel like unless you're mixing something more sparse or "classic" you are not going to need that type of saturation. Stuff like decapitator and saturn you should be covered.

Also, Slate sales are common, this is not the only chance you'll have to get it. Supper excited for VMR though
I would try to avoid VTM unless you're just using it on your master track. Slate's documentation suggests that you place VTM on every instrument track (not busses) followed up by vcc track then your master bus, but even in Pro Tools 11, the cpu will max out and breaks in audio will occur when dealing with say 15+ instances of VTM. I personally like Wave's Kramer Tape. Kramer is a lot less taxing on cpu, but $100 more I think.

Since the latest VTM update it uses only 1/8 of the old processor power ;)
I run 25-30 instances of VTM + VCC without any problems and i could do more - sure with big buffer and only in the mix

i have a comparison....full mix...mix without VTM..and mix without VTM and VCC...but i have to ask the band before if i can post this track.
Differenz is unbelievable. Without i got less glue, no depth, no width, sounds more digital than organic, no low end, no power, no punch. Without this mix sucks haha
Ok i can post the samples

1st mix with VTM + VCC on all tracks + Master

2nd mix without VTM no vtm.wav

3rd mix without VCC + without VTM no vtm no vcc.wav

The Band is called "Adamant" from Germany, this is not the official mix of them..i just did give this track a try for fun. You can find them here:
On each channel 16 track maschine, normal bias, 15ips, Tape type to taste. i like the FG456 most..its the most colouring but that colour is not always good..for less colour i switch to the FG9.
On Master 2track maschine..same settings...most time FG456. Other settings like wow/flutter i leave at stock settings