To Testament.

-|Testament|- said:
come on. really he's one of the people who doesnt have any creativity. you cant tell me all of metallica solos are different.

sure he may use the same scales all the time, but he has actually written some really great solos. He may not be the best technically but he knows how to write a solo that fits the mood of the song and is not just all tremelo wank.
-|Testament|- said:
megadeth pwns metallica. kirk hammett is a talentless twat that plays always the same solo from different frets and tones.
I love you, we should so give birth to Megadeth children. And I think you're right as well all Metallica solos do sound the same, and that sound is shitty.
Turbo said:
I would have to dismember you if you did that. :confused:

Turboo!!! Do I have to fly all the way to England, kick your ass first then show you why Megadeth pwns Metallica, then kick your ass again for not believing me and then fly back to Venezuela.

Now that sounds like a lot of hassle to me and a serious beating for you so just trust me on this one.